Page 8 - Mini-Module 3
P. 8
Types of Principal’s Portfolio cont’d
(3) Professional Learning Portfolio
The purpose of this type of portfolio is to provide evidence of the
principals professional learning journey. The process of putting this
portfolio together - collecting evidence of learning - is to give a
structure to the self-reflection (analysis) of the principal’s professional
growth and development. Such a portfolio may be structured in a
number of different ways, depending on the principal’s chosen
pathway to learning. Such evidence might include:
● Evidence supporting attainment of learning (Certificates, Awards,
Diplomas, etc).
● Items that reveal personalised understanding of teaching and
learning (journals, essays, commentaries, emails to mentors,
minutes from meetings, etc).
● Artifacts such as still photographs, archival materials,
demographic data, video clips with voice over, music, etc.
● Publications, including collaborative writing and reports.
Another very important way of putting together a professional learn-
ing portfolio, is to use the four Gateways to Learning (Walker &
Quong, 2005). In this process the learning principal would gather evi-
dence in their portfolio with regards to:
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