Page 6 - Mini-Module 3
P. 6
Types of Principal’s Portfolio
There are many different things you can put into a principal’s portfolio.
Basically what you include is dictated by the purpose you set.
Consider the following three elements of a Principal’s Portfolios;
“Leadership Framework”, “Assessment of Capability” and
“Professional Learning Portfolio”.
(1) A Leadership Framework
Brown and Irby (1997, p. 15) suggest that the main purpose of putting
together a principal’s portfolio is to help the principal to clarify his or
her leadership framework.
By building a portfolio the principal is ‘forced’ to reflect on and analyse
their leadership. They suggest that a leadership portfolio should
consist of a collection of evidence built around seven components.
The principals:
1. Philosophy of education
2. Philosophy of leadership
3. Vision of learners
4. Vision of teachers
5. Vision for the school
• Climate
• Community
• Collaboration
• Communication
6. Vision for professional growth
7. Method of vision attainment
• Decision making
• Encouragement, initiation, and facilitation of change
• Support during change
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