Page 13 - Mini-Module 3
P. 13
Beginning Principal’s Portfolio Guide Evidence Appraisal / Reflection
Mediation Skills
Evidence that you are a connective
leader, that you have the skills to deal
effectively with conflict; evidence that
you have been able to deal with parent
complaints and other issues; evidence
of positive negotiation of staff conflicts.
Evidence that you keep effective
records of conflict in your school and
how it has been handled.
Capability Audit
Evidence that you have the recognized
the skills of your staff and are utilizing
these skills appropriately; Evidence of
wise staff selection practices; evidence
that staff have been promoted based
on merit; evidence that your staff feel
valued and that they believe they have
received recognition for their skills,
work, and input to decision.
Performance Management
Evidence that you are a performance
manager; that there is a well organised
and ongoing performance management
process in place for all staff. Perform-
ance management is the process of
identifying, evaluating, and developing
the work performance of employees.
Professional Learning
Evidence that you are a learning leader;
that professional development is
planned and systematic; evidence that
staff are encouraged to be involved in
ongoing professional learning; evidence
that you have provided professional
learning opportunities; evidence that
professional learning has been
evaluate .