Page 10 - Mini-Module 11
P. 10

3.   Assimilate the Information
                                Think about the information you have collected. Give yourself time to
                                assimilate data: do not be too hasty in reaching conclusions. There are
                                times when you will collect data which is complex and you need time to
                                consider it carefully. It is best not to rush into making interpretations.

                            4.   Preliminary Outcomes
                                Prepare  some  arguments  and  think  about  conclusions  and  the
                                recommendations you might make. These are not final, and when you
                                come  to  actually  write  your  report,  you may  well  change  your  mind.
                                This is because as you present your findings and then discuss them, you
                                may arrive at new insights. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to have some
                                provisional  thoughts  on  outcomes  and  this  will  help  to  focus  your



                          ●    Decide on the purpose.
                          ●    Decide what information you need.

                          ●    Acquire it.
                          ●    Keep the relevant information and sort it.

                          ●    Assimilate the information.
                          ●    Think through some arguments and discussion points.
                          ●    Think about tentative conclusions and recommendations.

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