Page 12 - Phase 2 - Identifying entrepreneurial actions for school improvement
P. 12

Mentor-Mentee Relationship and School-based Management

            Mentor-Mentee Relationship and

            School-based Management

            In the era of school-based management, it is vital to  foster mentor-mentee relationships
            (also known as master-apprentice relationships). The bonding between the mentor and the mentee
            creates an interdependent and appreciative 'habitat' (i.e. working environment and culture of the
            workplace).  Besides,  work  friendships make working  more enjoyable  (Chung  2018).
            A mentor-mentee relationship works best when the mentor has the following qualities—

                    Willing to personally demonstrate the necessary skills
                    Passionate and have the ability to inspire
                    Have a clear set of values
                    Commitment to others and the community

            Mentoring in the context of school-based management

            In the context of school-based management, it is inevitable that middle leader’s personnel lacks
            certain skills and/or knowledge.  An edupreneur needs to have the ability to identify the key areas
            needed to improve and  reach out to someone who could potentially be a good mentor.
            He/she should then arrange meetings with the mentor to share their views and review issues that
            the edupreneur is facing. Last but not least, the edupreneur needs to be open-minded to accept
            constructive feedback.

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