Page 7 - Phase 2 - Identifying entrepreneurial actions for school improvement
P. 7

Role of Middle Leaders

            Levels of leadership

            As an edupreneur and a middle leader, it is crucial to push forward the school and teachers
            to carry out changes. He/she needs to expand the capacity, to connect their schools’ vision and
            mission  to  their  team,  and  to  actualise  the  vision.  According  to  Drysdale  and  Gurr  (2011;
            Gurr 2015; Gurr and Drysdale 2013), leadership in successful schools engages three-dimension
            or  levels:  Teaching & Learning (instruction),  School Capacity  (organisation), and
            External Contextual (system). The below table summarises the nature and scope of behaviours
            that the middle leaders engage—

              Level                 Management                            Leadership

              Level 1                 Determining the scheme of work       Co-constructing curriculum and
              Teaching & Learning     Communicating procedures             instructional resources
              (instruction)                                                Scaling-up new practices
                                      Scheduling teaching
                                                                           Mentoring new staff
                                      Completing documentation             Identifying improvement areas
                                      Homework inspection

              Level 2                 Providing PD opportunity             Feedback & coaching
              School Capacity         Implementing accountability          Networking
              (organisation)          measures
                                                                           Strategic resourcing
                                      Completing appraisal procedures
                                                                           Teacher recruitment

                                                                           Schoolwide planning
                                                                           Selling school mission
                                                                           Re-designing team structures and

              Level 3                 Reporting compliance &               Interpreting policies to leaders and
              External Contextual     accountability                       teachers
                                      Allocation of government             Recommending responses to
                                      resources                            policy change

                                                                           Advocating for policy change
                                                                                                  (Bryant 2019)

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