Page 13 - Phase 2 - Identifying entrepreneurial actions for school improvement
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Further Reading

              Further Reading

              Arnon, S., & Reichel, N. (2007). Who is the ideal teacher? Am I? Similarity and difference in
              perception of students of education regarding the qualities of a good teacher and of their own
              qualities as teachers. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 13(5), 441-464.

              Bridges, W. (1980). Transitions : Making sense of life's changes. London: ANicholas Brealey Pub.

              Bridges, W. (2009). Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Da Capo Press.

              Bryant, D. A. (2019). Conditions that support middle leaders’ work in organisational and system
              leadership: Hong Kong case studies. School Leadership & Management, 39(5), 415-433.

              Cheng, Y. (1996). School effectiveness and school-based management: A mechanism for development
              (Vol. 1, Student outcomes and the reform of education). London u.a: Falmer.

              Chung, P. & Elfasy, R. (2016). The 12 Dimensions of a Service Leader. Lexingford Publishing.

              Chung, P. & Ip, S. (2018). Pillars of a Service Hub: Lessons from World-class Service Companies based
              in Hong Kong. Lexingford Publishing.

              Chung, P. (2020). Designed to Win: What every business needs to know to go truly global. Leaders

              Drysdale, Lawrie, and David Gurr (2011). Theory and Practice of Successful School Leadership in
              Australia. School Leadership & Management, 31 (4): 355–368.

              Gurr, David, and Lawrie Drysdale (2013). Middle-Level Secondary School Leaders: Potential,
              Constraints and Implications for Leadership Preparation and Development. Journal of Educational
              Administration, 51 (1): 55–71.

              Gurr, David (2015). A Model of Successful School Leadership from the International Successful
              School Principalship Project, Societies, 5 (1): 136–150.

              Ho, C.S., Lu, J. & Bryant, D, A. (2020). Understanding Teacher Entrepreneurial Behavior in Schools:
              Conceptualization and Empirical Investigation. Journal of Educational Change.

              Spillane, J. P., Camburn, E. M., Pustejovsky, J., Pareja, A. S., & Lewis, G. (2008). Taking a distributed
              perspective. Journal of Educational Administration, 46(2), 189.

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