Assistant Professor
- 2948 7695
- B4-1/F-07A
- kdittrich@eduhk.hk
Journal Publications
- Klaus Dittrich & Dolf-Alexander Neuhaus (2023). Korea’s “Education Fever” from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century. History of Education, 52(4), 539-552. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2022). Industrial Elites, Philanthrocapitalism and the Institutionalisation of Visiting Nursing in Interwar Luxembourg. Social History of Medicine, 35(2), 494-521. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2021). Embracing Allied Approaches to Public Health: Luxembourg’s Industrial Elites and the Rockefeller Mission against Tuberculosis in France after the First World War. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 95(3), 379-407. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2021). Europäische Verflechtungen gewerblicher Bildung im Industriezeitalter: Luxemburgs Staatshandwerkerschule, 1896-1940. Paedagogica Historica, 57(6), 695-716. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2019). "The center of the manual training movement in Germany": die Deutsche Lehrerbildungsanstalt für Knabenhandarbeit in Leipzig, 1887-1914. Paedagogica Historica, 55(5), 671-693. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2019). Bilingual primary schools, decorative art and psychotechnics: Luxembourgian education at international exhibitions and congresses, 1870s-1930s. History of Education, 48(3), 317-335. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). Selling Luxembourgian Steel in Japan: Columeta Tokyo, 1925 to 1941. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 61(2), 215-236. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). “The Finest ‘Bunch’ of Children to Be Found Anywhere”: Educating European and American Youths in Korea, 1880s-1940s. Paedagogica Historica, 52(6), 629-645. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich & Yoonmi Lee (2016). Transnationalising the History of Education in Modern Korea. Paedagogica Historica, 52(6), 577-579. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). Entre promesses et résistances. Circulations transationales et réception manquée du travail manuel en Allemagne (1880-1914). Revue germanique internationale, 23, 143-157. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). Europeans and Americans in Korea, 1882-1910: A Bourgeois and Translocal Community. Itinerario, 40(1), 3-28. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2014). The Beginnings of Modern Education in Korea, 1883-1910. Paedagogica Historica, 50(3), 265-284. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2013). Korea’s Internal Civilizing Mission: Education in the English Edition of The Independent, 1896-1898. Acta Koreana, 16(2), 431-472. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2013). ‘The Western Leaven Has Fallen’ – the British Lady Traveller Isabella Bird as a Thinker on Globalization in East Asia. Homo Migrans, 8, 21-47. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2013). As Exposições universais como mídia para a circulação transnacional de saberes sobre o ensino primário na segunda metade do século 19. Revista História da Educação, 41, 213-234. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2012). ‘Germania facile princeps’? – Das deutsche Bildungswesen und die Weltausstellungen des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. Dogil yeongu – Korean Journal of German Studies, 23, 103-131. More Details
Book Chapters
- Klaus Dittrich (2019). Buddhism, Business, and Red-Cross Diplomacy: Aline Mayrisch de Saint-Hubert’s Journeys to East Asia in the Interwar Period. In Karin Priem, Frederik Herman (eds), Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel (79-107). Leiden: Brill. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2014). Konkurrenz imperialer Gesellschaften: Die Darstellung nationaler Systeme von Primärschulbildung auf den Weltausstellungen der Jahrhundertwende. In Marcelo Caruso, Thomas Koinzer, Christine Mayer, Karin Priem (eds), Zirkulation und Transformation. Pädagogische Grenzüberschreitungen in historischer Perspektive (51-73). Köln: Böhlau. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2014). Izabela Bādo no Nihon, Chōsen, Chūgoku. In: Norihiko Fukui, Kōichi Muramatsu, Mamiko Itō (eds), Sekai no shūshū - Ajia o meguru hakubutsukan, hakurankai, kaigai ryokō (285-318). Tōkyō: Yamakawa Shuppansha. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2013). Deutsche Berichterstattung über die Bildungssektionen der Weltausstellungen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein Literaturüberblick. In: Esther Möller, Johannes Wischmeyer (eds), Transnationale Bildungsräume. Wissenstransfers im Schnittfeld von Kultur, Politik und Religion (137-156). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2013). Appropriation, Representation and Cooperation as Transnational Practices: The Example of Ferdinand Buisson. In: Isabella Löhr, Roland Wenzlhuemer (eds), The Nation State and Beyond: Governing Globalization Processes in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century (149-173). Heidelberg: Springer. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2011). Die Repräsentationen der deutschen Länder in den Bildungssektionen der Weltausstellungen der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. In: Eckhardt Fuchs, Sylvia Kesper-Biermann, Christian Ritzi (eds), Bildungsräume und Transferprozesse im 19. Jahrhundert. Regionen in der deutschen Staatenwelt (133-155). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinckhardt. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2011). La modernisation du système éducatif à travers les Expositions universelles, 1873-1904. In: Noriko Berlinguez-Kôno, Bernard Thomann (eds), Japon pluriel 8. La modernité japonaise en perspective. Actes du huitième colloque de la Société française des études japonaises (347-356). Arles: Picquier. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich & Wolfram Kaiser (2009). Political Communication at the World Exhibitions: Transnational Negotiation of Social and Education Policy, 1889-1904. In: Mathias Albert, Gesa Bluhm, Jan Helmig, Andreas Leutzsch, Jochen Walter (eds), Transnational Political Spaces: Agents – Structures – Encounters (162-184). Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2009). Die amerikanische Referenz der republikanischen Grundschule Frankreichs: Kulturtransfer auf Weltausstellungen im 19. Jahrhundert. In: Wolfgang Gippert, Petra Götte, Elke Kleinau (eds), Transkulturalität. Gender- und bildungshistorische Perspektiven (161-179). Bielefeld: Transcript. More Details
Contributions to Collections
- Klaus Dittrich (2021). Education between Empires: International Schools in East Asia during the First Half of the Twentieth Century. Transimperial History Blog: Critical Histories of Empire. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2019). Les systèmes éducatifs européens dans les expositions universelles (1850-1914). Encyclopédie pour une histoire nouvelle de l'Europe. Paris: LabEx EHNE. More Details
- Geert Thyssen & Klaus Dittrich (2014). Luxembourg. Water and Dust: Recovering Washed-Out Pasts of Industry in Luxembourg. In: Catherine Burke et al. (eds), Education across Europe: A Visual Conversation (63-66). Berlin: EERA Network 17 – Histories of Education. More Details
Book Reviews (since 2015)
- Klaus Dittrich (2024). Review of Mariusz Kałczewiak, Magdalena Kozłowska (eds), The World beyond the West: Perspectives from Eastern Europe, New York, Berghahn, 2022. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 73(2), 332-334. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2020). Review of Lothar Schilling, Jakob Vogel (eds), Transnational Cultures of Expertise: Circulating State-Related Knowledge in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019. Bildungsgeschichte: International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 10(2), 233-235. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2018). Review of Christoph Ellßel, Das Bildungsimperium. Zur Geschichte des amerikanisch-australischen Stipendienprogramms im Colombo-Plan 1949-1960, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2017. H-Soz-Kult. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2017). Review of Joëlle Droux, Rita Hofstetter (eds), Globalisation des mondes de l’éducation. Circulations, connexions, réfractions, XIXe-XXe siècles, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015. Journal of World History, 28(3-4), 662-665. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). Review of Goldrausch in Korea: Die deutsche Goldmine in Korea von 1897 bis 1903, München, Iudicium, 2015. Der Anschnitt: Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau, 68(6), 265-266. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). Review of Pierre-Emmanuel Roux, La Croix, la baleine et le canon. La France face à la Corée au milieu du XIXe siècle, Paris, Editions du Cerf, 2012. International Journal of Korean History, 21(2), 187-191. More Details
- Klaus Dittrich (2016). Review of Hideharu Umehara, Gesunde Schule und gesunde Kinder: Schulhygiene in Düsseldorf, 1880-1933, Essen, Klartext-Verlag, 2013. Dogil yeongu – Korean Journal of German Studies, 31, 225-231. More Details
- Dittrich, Klaus (2016). Review of Stefan Manz, Constructing a German Diaspora: The 'Greater German Empire', 1871-1918, New York, Routledge, 2013. Geschichte.transnational. More Details
- Dittrich, Klaus (2016). Review of Todd Henry, Assimilating Seoul: Japanese Rule and the Politics of Public Space in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2014. Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, 64(1), 84-86. More Details
- Dittrich, Klaus (2015). Review of Wolfgang Gippert and Elke Kleinau, Bildungsreisende und Arbeitsmigrantinnen. Auslandserfahrungen deutscher Lehrerinnen zwischen nationaler und internationaler Orientierung (1850-1920), Hanguk gyoyuksahak, 37(4), 169-172. More Details
Conference Papers (since 2016)
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, August). Cosmopolitan Education on the Exhibition Ground?: The Paris International Assembly of 1900, Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2024): Education in an Age of Uncertainty: Memory and Hope for the Future, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, August). “Il convient de repousser l’intervention des gouvernements”: A invenção do ensino internacional em Europa nos meados do século XIX, Paper presented at the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE 45): (De)coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education, Natal, Brazil.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, August). Os três linguagens educativos norte-atlânticos e a educacionalização do Japão, 1868-1890, Paper presented at the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE 45): (De)coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education, Natal, Brazil.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, August). As práticas do internacionalismo: A Ecole internationale de l’Exposition no Paris de 1900, Paper presented at the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE 45): (De)coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education, Natal, Brazil.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, July). Revisiting the Educationalisation of Japan: The Confrontation of Three Languages of Education, 1868-1890, Paper presented at the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 13): Crossways of Knowledge, Surabaya, Indonesia.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, June). Schulpflicht und internationale Gymnasien: Die Reformprojekte von Eugène Rendu im zweiten französischen Kaiserreich, Paper presented at the international conference The World at School or Study Travels as Part of Education: Transformations in Pedagogical Knowledge, School Curriculum and Teacher Professional Development, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, April). “Il faut former l’Européen”: Franco-British Projects and Practices of International Education during the 1860s, Paper presented at the workshop Learning and Use of French as a Foreign Language: A Modern Global History, London, United Kingdom.
- Klaus Dittrich (2024, February). Von Konfuzius zum PISA-Erfolg: Das ostasiatische Bildungsmodell, Lecture for the Ringvorlesung Allgemeine Pädagogik, Schwyz, Switzerland.
- Klaus Dittrich (2023, July). Educationalisation as a Tool for Catching Up: Industrial Schools and Global Economic Competition in Japan, 1870s-1910s, Paper presented at ISCHE 44: Histories of Education and Reform: Traditions, Tensions and Transitions, Budapest, Hungary.
- Klaus Dittrich (2023, July). Beyond National Prejudices: Plans for Teaching History in International Schools in Mid-Nineteenth Century Europe, Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth Asian Studies Conference Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
- Klaus Dittrich (2023, June). International Secondary Schools in Mid-Nineteenth Century Europe, Paper presented at the Seventh European Congress on World and Global History: Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives, The Hague, Netherlands.
- Klaus Dittrich (2022, November). International Secondary Schools in Mid-Nineteenth Century Europe. Paper presented at the International Symposium for Emerging Scholars in Education, Thinking Education in/for/through a Changing World, Shanghai, China.
- Klaus Dittrich (2022, September). From International Cooperation to Global Governance: The Transnational Circulation of Educational Policies from Nineteenth-Century World Exhibitions to Twenty-First Century PISA. Paper presented at ECER 2022: Education in a Changing World: The Impact of Global Realities on the Prospects and Experiences of Educational Research, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Klaus Dittrich (2021, September). World Exhibitions and Transnational Cooperation in Education: International Schooling in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Paper presented at ECER 2021: Education and Society: Expectations, Prescriptions, Reconciliations, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Klaus Dittrich (2021, July). Deutsch-japanische Visionen für Korea: Die transimperiale Karriere des Lehrers Johannes Bolljahn. Paper presented at the 3. Symposium zu deutsch-koreanischen Beziehungen: Begegnungen, Übertragungen, Verflechtungen bis 1945, Tübingen, Germany.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, November). The Educationalization of the World and Cultural Transfers: Early Meiji Japan in Global Context. Paper presented at the international conference Global Transfer of Knowledge and the Change of Local Society: Western Knowledge and East Asia, Daegu, South Korea.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, September). Beyond Harbin: Educational Mobilities of Polish Students in East Asia, 1920s-1940s. Paper presented at the international conference of the Kommission für die Geschichte der Deutschen in Polen: Reimagining Polish Worldwideness: Cross-Local Encounters and Global Arrangements, Marburg, Germany.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, September). Foreign Language Instruction in East Asian International Schools during the Early Twentieth Century: American, German and Polish Perspectives. Paper presented at ECER 2019: Education in an Era of Risk: the Role of Educational Research for the Future, Hamburg, Germany.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, July). Transnational Skills Development in Industrialising Economies: The Case of the Ecole d’artisans de l’Etat in Luxembourg. Paper presented at ISCHE 41: Spaces and Places of Education, Porto, Portugal.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, June). The Harbin-Hong Kong Connection: Trajectories of Polish Students during the 1930s. Paper presented at the Hong Kong History Project Conference. All Roads Lead to Hong Kong: People, City, Empires, Hong Kong.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, May). Making Poles in China: The Polish Independence Association in Tianjin, 1918-1920. Paper presented at the International History Conference East Asia in Global Perspective: Transnational Movement and Exchange in the Age of Empire, c. 1850-1950, Hong Kong.
- Klaus Dittrich (2019, January). Poles in Transit: Registering for Polish Citizenship in Tianjin, 1918-1920. Paper presented at the Fourth Asian Association of World Historians Congress: Creating World Histories from Asian Perspectives, Osaka, Japan.
- Klaus Dittrich (2018, December). Polish Education Institutions in Harbin 1915-1949. Paper presented at the workshop Polen postkolonial?, Göttingen, Germany.
- Klaus Dittrich (2018, August). Making Poles more Western in the Far East: The Sienkiewicz High School in Harbin, 1915-1949. Paper presented at ISCHE 40: Education and Nature, Berlin, Germany.
- Klaus Dittrich (2018, May). Beyond Harbin: Educational Mobilities of Polish Students in East Asia, 1920s-1940s. Paper presented at the conference Children and Youth in a Global Age, Hong Kong.
- Klaus Dittrich (2017, October). Competitive Travel Writing: The Great Korean Empire in European and American Publications. Paper presented at the International Academic Symposium Marking the 120th Anniversary of the Declaration of the Korean Empire: The Korean Empire, Dreaming of a Modern and Independent State with Prosperity and Power, Seoul, South Korea.
- Klaus Dittrich (2017, August). Between Polish Diaspora and East Asian Prospects: The Gimnazjum im. Henryka Sienkiewicza in Harbin, 1915-1949. Paper presented at the Fifth European Congress on World and Global History, Budapest, Hungary.
- Klaus Dittrich (2017, August). Maintaining Polishness in East Asia?: The Polish High School in Harbin, 1915-1949. Paper presented at ECER 2017: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent Roles of Policy and Educational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Klaus Dittrich (2017, June). Das Gimnazjum im. Henryka Sienkiewicza in Harbin, 1915-1949: Eine polnische Schule in Ostasien. Paper presented at the Mittwochs-Kolloquium des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Warschau, Warszawa, Poland.
- Klaus Dittrich (2017, April). “‘Life Won’t Be as Comfortable as It Used to Be’: Anti-Western Japanese Violence in Korea, 1900-1910. Paper presented at the 28th Biennial Conference of the Association of Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE), Praha, Czech Republic.
- Klaus Dittrich (2017, March). From Competitive to Disempowered Imperialists: Western Teachers in the Schools of the Great Korean Empire. Paper presented at the conference Vietnam and Korea as ‘Longue Durée’ Subject of Comparison: From the Pre-modern to the Early Modern Periods, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Klaus Dittrich (2016, November). Die Deutsche Lehrerbildungsanstalt für Knabenhandarbeit in Leipzig: Ein pädagogisches Portal der Globalisierung, 1887-1914. Paper presented at the autumn conference of the Korean-German Society for the Educational Studies, Seoul, South Korea.