- 2948 7695
- B4-1/F-07A
- kdittrich@eduhk.hk
I am actively engaging international research communities in global history and history of education. I am currently serving as a co-editor of Palgrave Macmillans’s “Global Histories of Education” book series, published in cooperation with the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE). I am also serving as a co-convenor of Network 17 “Histories of Education” of the European Educational Research Association.
At EdUHK, I am functioning as the Programme Leader of the Master of Arts in Global Histories of Education (MAGHE). This one-year full-time taught postgraduate programme has been established in 2022. MAGHE familiarises students with historical developments in education over the last two centuries. While putting an emphasis on trajectories in East Asia, it adopts a global perspective. MAGHE is also interdisciplinary, combining course offerings in history and education from all three faculties of EdUHK. MAGHE thereby makes a strong contribution to further developing history of education as an innovative field of teaching and research.
In the MAGHE programme, I am currently teaching the core course “Educationalising the World (Eighteenth to Twenty-First Century)” and the elective “The History of International Schooling in East Asia”.
More information can be found on the MAGHE website.