- Knowledge Transfer on Chinese Prose: A Study on Analysing, Learning and Teaching Chinese Prose
Project Leader - Dr PAK Wan Hoi Anthony - Knowledge and Preservation of Hong Kong History and Culture
Project Leader - Dr KANG Jong Hyuk David - Transfer and Promotion of Historical and Cultural Knowledge
Project Leader - Dr HAU Lai Ying - The Dissemination and Popularization of Historical and Cultural Knowledge
Project Leader - Dr HAU Lai Ying - 口語評審專業知識的探討及轉移
Project Leader - Dr FUNG Shu Fun
- 建立關於散文的知識體系:以散文篇章為研究對象,包括古現代散文,為進一步發展提供理論支撐,其中包括:
- 從文本分析理論建構散文文體特點的論述
- 建立適用於解析散文的具體方法
- 建立散文學與教理念架構:形成具體知識轉移的流程,為進一步研究提供知識轉移基礎
- 培訓知識轉移人才:掌握散文解析分析以及施教步驟,作為知識轉移的支點,為進一步推廣相關知識,提供足夠的人力資源。
- 建立知識轉移電子平台(包括面書及博客):為現有及未來計劃提供交流機會,方便互動。
- 進行知識轉移試點:檢驗上述知識及方法體系,以便優化並確保知識轉移的有效操作。
- 建立散文學與教教學設計方案庫:針對散文的教學設計,有助於日後進一步累積經驗,並推廣相關教學操作。
- 組織試教操作:檢驗上述學與教理念架構的有效性,確保學與教有序施行,並直接收集目標學生的反應和意見。
- 上述為本計劃的主要目標;在以上的基礎上,日後可進一步建設完整的知識轉移鏈條:
- 向中學推廣試行:組織隊伍與中學前線老師合作,落實知識轉移的末段操作。
- 優化學與教教學設計:通過中學試行的反饋,進一步優化教學設計,以適應教學的實際操作。
Year: 2018/19
Project Leader -
Dr PAK Wan Hoi Anthony
This project aims to:
- stimulate local students in learning Hong Kong history and culture;
- strengthen local teachers’ awareness of history in teaching Hong Kong Studies;
- help current and future history teachers in incorporating field visits and developing activities in history curriculum;
- introduce recent research trend and current issues in the field of Hong Kong history and provide useful reference for teaching and learning history; and
- enhance student's critical thinking skills in regards to current issues concerning history, culture, the local community, the nation and the world.
The above objectives are developed in accordance with the new Bachelor of Education in History, which aims at promoting the value of and enhancing the quality of history education.
Year: 2015/16
Project Leader -
Dr KANG Jong Hyuk David
This project aims to:
- Stimulate local students in learning Hong Kong history and culture;
- Strengthen local teachers’ awareness of history in teaching Hong Kong Studies;
- Help teachers in developing and designing teaching material of history subject in the pedagogical approach;
- Introduce recent research trend and findings in the field of Hong Kong history as the references for students’ learning and teachers’ teaching; and
- Consolidate teachers and students’ insights in the historical perspective for making judgments about issues concerning history, culture, the local community, the nation and the world.
The above objectives are in line with the programme of Bachelor of Education in History which aims to promote the importance of and to enhance the quality of history education.
Year: 2014/15
Project Leader -
Dr HAU Lai Ying
- 提升本港學生對研習香港歷史文化的興趣;
- 促進本港老師對香港歷史文化的專業知識;
- 增加與現職老師交流合作的機會,共同普及歷史文化的特色與內容;
- 開拓知識領域,把研究與教育相互結合,向本港師生介紹最新的研究成交果;及
- 加強本港師生的歷史觀,說明歷史文化與現代社會的關係,開拓他們的世界視野。
Year: 2013/14
Project Leader -
Dr HAU Lai Ying
- 將口語溝通能力研究之成果及專業知識融合於社會語文教育中;
- 持續發展更公平、更適切的口語溝通能力評審準則;
- 加強在職教師對現存口語溝通能力評審準則的了解;
- 提昇準教師(本院主修中文之學生)對口語評審準則的了解及強化專業成長的歷程;
- 在職教師通過同儕交流,提昇評鑑能力,開拓更專業的發展;
- 教師們能實踐口語溝通能力評審之技巧,並協助學生提昇理性溝通的能力;及
- 持續推動有關口語溝通能力評審的研究發展。
Year: 2012/13
Project Leader -
Dr FUNG Shu Fun
- The Analysis of Hong Kong Secondary School History Textbooks
Project Leader - Dr KANG Jong Hyuk David - Field Experience: A Verbatim Theatre Project
Project Leader - Dr DECOURSEY Matthew - K-pop vs HK-pop: Hongkonger’s Culture and History
Project Leader - Dr KANG Jong Hyuk David
Year: 2019/20
Project Leader -
Dr KANG Jong Hyuk David
Year: 2018/19
Project Leader -
Year: 2016/17
Project Leader -
Dr KANG Jong Hyuk David