Prof CHENG, Kat Hung Dennis
- 2948 7245
- B3-1/F-37
- dkhcheng@eduhk.hk
The project will select important materials from the Chinese classics across the Three Teachings (三教) namely Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism to highlight the philosophies embedded within the texts to reconstruct the Chinese hermeneutic traditions in the light of modern theories in philosophy and hermeneutics.
Project Start Year: 2021
Principal Investigator(s): 傅永軍, CHENG, Kat Hung, Dennis
Enhancing core competences of undergraduates through service-learning: Effects of different service-learning models
Starting from 2014-15, students of HKIEd have been and will be required to complete a 3-credit Co-curricular and Service Learning (CSL) Course, in which students will be involved in service-based activities. Service learning (SL), as a form of experiential learning, is a challenging pedagogy for faculty members because faculties have to restructure the traditional credit-bearing courses, liaise with community agencies and NGOs, arrange service activities that help students connect service with academic content, etc., all of which are out of the “comfortable zone” of traditional university teaching. In order to provide quality CSL courses for students’ selection, it is timely important to provide empirical evidence of how to effectively design and implement CSL courses and encourage faculty members to be engaged in quality CSL course teaching. The proposed project will focus on investigating the impacts of different CSL models upon undergraduates’ core competences and academic achievement. Core competences include positive personality, positive work attitude, collaboration and teamwork, and interpersonal skills. Three models will be investigated: faculty-lead CSL courses, cross-unit or cross-department CSL courses (eg, faculty-SAO collaboration), and CSL courses that are run by non-academic units (eg. pilot SHELL course run by SAO). Three types of interventions, (1) a set of reflection strategies, (2) activities that engage students in generating ideas, in the decision-making process, and in the evaluation of the quality of service experience, and (3) meaningful service (direct contact with service recipients who are in obvious state of need) will be employed to promote student learning. A mixed methods design will be employed to investigate how undergraduates’ personality, work attitude, collaboration and interpersonal competences change within the context of service learning. A pre-post survey will be employed to track students’ development in the four core competences and the Service-Learning Quality Indicators (SLQI) will be administered post-project to assess participants’ evaluation of service program quality respectively. Focus groups for students and individual interviews for course lecturers will be conducted to understand what elements in CSL courses foster undergraduates’ development in the desired areas after the end of the courses. The expected outcomes of the project include the following outputs: (1) a resource book for designing and developing service learning for undergraduates (for faculties’ use); (2) a guide to enhance academic learning and personal growth in service learning (for students’ use); (3) a report on the impacts of CSL courses upon undergraduates’ personal development and academic achievement; (4) two conference papers and two journal articles. It is anticipated that the project will provide teaching and learning materials for faculties and students’ further reference. The findings from the project, for instance, impacts of different service learning models, may contribute to the knowledge base about service learning.
Project Start Year : 2015
Chief Investigator(s) : XU, Hui Xuan 徐慧璇 (Prof CHENG, Kat Hung Dennis 鄭吉雄 as Co-Principal Investigator)
Inter-institutional Collaboration on the Development of a Generally Recognized University Chinese Test and the Construction of a Complementary Repository of Question Papers
An UGC project to development a Chinese proficiency test and the construction of a data bank of question papers
Project Start Year : 2014
Chief Investigator(s) : CHENG, Kat Hung Dennis 鄭吉雄
Project on Chinese Intellectual History in East Asian Perspectives
1. The PI, serving as a Chair Professor of Cultural History at HKIEd, will make use of this project to consolidate several of his research topics to declare a new interpretation model on Chinese intellectual history. 2.We have a number of academic staffs working in Chinese intellectual history and Chinese cultural history in FHM. This project is also aiming to share the PI's research views with peers in and outside out Institute, to enhance the quality of research of the field and bringing people together to promote discussions and sharing. 3.Facing new challenges on the route to the university title, our Faculty is inviting more academic explorations into new areas such as "history","religious studies", "cultural studies" in various levels. New courses, minors and programmes are also welcome by the Faculty. This project will support the PI's international research activities and serve as a platform for adding new inputs to research on intellectual and cultural history, as well as providing new perspectives benefiting research and teaching in FHM.
Project Start Year : 2013
Chief Investigator(s) : CHENG, Kat Hung Dennis 鄭吉雄