The Outstanding Educator Award acknow-ledges
significant contributions made by visionary individuals in
education. The award celebrates the unique role outstanding
professional educators have played in nurturing different
aspects of student development.
In the first Award in 2001, the work of an outstanding educator
in the field of Early Childhood Education, Dr Angela Chiu,
was acknowledged and honoured. Following the great success
of the first exercise, nominations were invited, in July 2003,
for the second Award. The response was very encouraging indeed
and the challenge facing the Selection Panel in deciding among
21 worthy nominations was significant. After lengthy deliberation
the Selection Panel determined that the Award would go to
a supremely deserving individual - Professor Lo Wai-luen,
better known to readers of her literary works as "Siu
Sze/Xiao Si".
The Award was presented to Professor Lo in recognition of
the significant impact she has had on the teaching profession,
the education sector and modern Chinese literature over a
period of four decades.