In January 2004, a group of Queen's College senior secondary
students and their teacher whose group work won the Gold Award
in the "Learning from SARS and Beyond" project were
rewarded by the Institute with a study trip to the Headquarters
of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. The junior
secondary and senior primary Gold Award winners, DMHC Siu
Ming Catholic Secondary School and the Church of Christ in
China Kei Wa Primary School (PM) respectively, were sent to
Japan where they visited health and hygiene organisations
in Tokyo.
The Learning from SARS and Beyond project enabled school
children to reflect on and learn from the SARS epidemic. It
encouraged creative learning and project-based learning. To
enrich the quality of contributions, the Institute ran workshops
for school teachers and students in July and August 2003 featuring
guest speakers from local museums, the media and the medical
profession. The highlight was a session with Professor Joseph
Sung, Head of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), in which he
shared his personal experience of fighting the war against

Exhibiting excellence
One hundred and forty-six schools took part in the project
and 680 individual and group entries were received. The climax
of the project was an exhibition of outstanding works in the
Hong Kong Museum of History, running from 10 December 2003
to 19 January 2004. At the Exhibition opening, 35 awards were
presented to outstanding individuals and teams in recognition
of exemplary work and commendable effort.
Speaking at the award presentation ceremony, Professor Bernard
Luk, Vice President (Academic) remarked: All of us will be
amazed by the vigour, creativity, observational and analytical
power illustrated in the works displayed here. The most treasured
part of the project is the deep reflection and active learning
students drew out of a serious crisis in our society.'
Learning from SARS and Beyond was made possible by the patronage
of the Education and Manpower Bureau, the concerted efforts
of co-organisers, Hong Kong Education City Ltd and the Hong
Kong Museum of History, and sponsorship from Hong Kong and
China Gas Co Ltd and Cathay Pacific Airways.