After graduating from New Asia College, the Chinese University
of Hong Kong in 1964, Professor Lo entered Northcote College
of Education in the following year and was awarded the Diploma
of Education. Professor Lo's major contribution to the education
sector started from the organisation of voluntary teaching
for underprivileged groups in the early 1970s. She was regarded
as a pioneering advocate of free education in Hong Kong.
She started her own teaching career at St. Paul's Secondary
School in Lam Tin. After teaching at secondary school level
for over 10 years, she joined the Department of Chinese at
the University of Hong Kong as Assistant Lecturer. After a
year, she took up a teaching post at the Department of Chinese
Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong
Kong in 1979 until her retirement in 2002.
Professor Lo has devoted her life to education and maintained
a deep enthusiasm and commitment to teaching throughout her
career. She is also a widely read author with many literary
works to her credit. Her passion for teaching, care for her
students, rich knowledge of Chinese Literature and active
contributions to literary activities have had a profound impact
on her students, many of whom are now working in the education
and literary fields.
The award presentation ceremony was held in Government House
on December 8, 2003. Professor Bernard Luk, Vice-President
(Academic) and Professor Chan Wing-ming, Dean of School of
Languages in Education paid tribute to Professor Lo, who had
been their close acquaintance for long. Professor Luk praised
Professor Lo's numerous achievements - she had been the first
to establish evening schools which had paved the way for the
provision of education to blue-collar workers and underprivileged
girls; she had made huge contributions to the study of Hong
Kong literature, and her devotion to and passion for writing
were saluted by all. Professor Chan told the audience how
Professor Lo had selflessly and timelessly devoted herself
to her students whenever and wherever they needed her.

Prof Lo Wai-luen shares the honour with
her reacher Ms Poon.