"Language teaching in Hong Kong has put very little emphasis on phonics. Yet, a seven-year old boy in Durham inspired me to understand how useful phonics could be in language acquisition. In Hong Kong, we learn vocabulary through the memorisation of spelling and pronunciation. In Durham, students could easily pronounce a word with the help of phonics awareness. As a language teacher, I think I will try using this method with my students."
~Grace Chow

HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2004
Granting of Self-Accrediting Status : a milestone for HKIEd

Joy of Learning in Gateshead College, Durham
-Grace Chow, English Major, Bachelor of Education (Languages) Programme

Gateshead College in Durham is a well-known centre for the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. Grace recalled her immersion experience at Gateshead College as one full of inspiration for her future teaching career.

"This was an eye-opening experience. The lecturer was highly devoted. He turned a silent class of students from various nations to one full of joy in learning. The key rests in class size as each class had less than ten students. Small group discussion was further assisted by tutors, and each student got 100 percent attention!"

Grace and her fellow students practised as tutors in student discussions and working groups. "The lecturers at Gateshead College are exemplary models of effective teaching. They use vivid and lively examples to stimulate students to speak and share freely on topics such as pop culture and national customs. They support the students with positive and encouraging words. This works well in building confidence and motivating student interest in learning!"

"As teachers, our responsibility rests not only in conveying knowledge. The teacher should create a two way communication process, as facilitator and motivator encouraging students to take an active part in learning rather than enforcing it," Grace said

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Nanjing and Hong Kong students under one roof
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