Mr. Kong, Principal of Jingfan Secondary School, Suzhou

I couldn't help worrying for these students when I first received them for school attachment. Observing them teaching in the classroom immediately calmed my anxiety. Now, I am looking forward to receiving HKIEd students again."

Prof Lu Xianghuan, Suzhou University

"Students generally possess a sound foundation skill in teaching. They have demonstrated the abilities to get close to students, to introduce interactive and motivational teaching methods, to be fluent in the teaching language, and to be well organised and prepared for the lesson."

HKIEd Joy of Learning No.1, 2004
Granting of Self-Accrediting Status : a milestone for HKIEd

Practising teaching in a different culture
School attachment is undoubtedly the highlight and most challenging part of the immersion semester for both English and Chinese major students. For 15 days, our students assumed their temporary responsibilities as teaching assistants in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools in the vicinity, engaging in education activities both inside and outside of the classroom. Through practical classroom teaching, class observation, school assemblies, staff meetings and both formal and informal interaction with various school personnel, our students were able to explore and analyse a different education system in action, collecting ideas, approaches and strategies they will be able to use in their own classes in future.

For the majority of student teachers from Hong Kong where the medium of instruction for the teaching of Chinese has long been the Cantonese dialect, nothing could be more demanding than teaching the subject in Putonghua in Suzhou secondary schools. Being observed by University lecturers, subject experts and local teachers during openly conducted classes, our students managed to overcome the language barrier and deliver their teaching with a competence which won the recognition of local educators.

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Eyes opened wide: our days in the United Kingdom and Suzhou
New Vice President (Academic) Professor Bernard Luk: A new definition of quality teachers
Photo GalleryA deserving tribute : Two Honorary Doctor of Education degrees conferred
HKIEd 10th Anniversary CelebrationLocal benefactors fund Project Aspire and new Centre for Development of Information Technology for Chinese Language Teaching 
Inspiring Remarks by Outstanding Educator Professor Lo Wai-luen
The Chief Executive and Jockey Club Chairman share the joy of learning with kids on campus
Outstanding SARS project teams awarded with trips to World Health Organization and Japan
Fund-raising Book Launch by Prof Ruth Hayhoe, President Emeritus
Adding a new dimension to the study of small class teaching~United Kingdom and East Asian Perspectives
Intrigued by Chinese characters
Nanjing and Hong Kong students under one roof
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Joy of Learning Editoral Committee
Student's Artwork
Learning from SARS and Beyond 語言...從文化中學習
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