In recent years, our center has been actively promoting collaborations with the Greater Bay Area to facilitate the development of special education between the two regions. Starting from June 2022, the project entitled "Greater Bay Area Special Education Research Center" (ERC) has been implemented. In addition to providing training services for special needs teachers and families in Guangzhou, we also welcome educators from mainland China to engage in exchanges with our center's team.
On January 20, 2024 (Sat), Professor Leung Chi Hung, the Co-Director of our center, was invited to Guangzhou to hold a talk on the theme of "Family Intervention for Special Children and Integrated Education Intervention in Classrooms" to over 40 local special needs children's parents, teachers, and social workers. Participants expressed that the talk helped them understand more about integrated education strategies and method for support special needs students.
On January 31, 2024 (Wed), six teachers from Guangzhou City visited our centre and had further discussions with Professor Leung regarding special education training and collaboration between the two regions. Guangzhou Teachers expressed that they greatly benefited from this visit.
Once again, we warmly welcome the teacher delegation from Guangzhou City to visit our Integrated Centre For Wellbeing (I-WELL) !