人文学院研究人员 - 郑吉雄教授

人文学院研究人员 - 郑吉雄教授
- Confucianism, Chinese Intellectual History and East Asian Hermeneutic Traditions focusing on the interpretation theories of the Classic of Changes (Yijing and their commentaries), involving the disciplines of History, Philology, Philosophy, and their inner connections.
My professional expertise falls within the scope of Chinese studies in the global context, while methodologically highlights the bridging of philology and philosophy. I enjoy intellectual exchanges of all sorts and all disciplines. Recently I am interested in sentimental philosophy in the Eastern spiritual tradition in the light of contemporary theory of psycho-therapy and religious studies. Students are welcome to liaise with me via email for consultations.
Prof CHENG is an active and prolific senior researcher who had been a professor of the Department of Chinese Literature of the Taiwan University (NTU) for ten years.
- 2011 - "European Chair of Chinese Studies" of International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) of Leiden University
- 2007 - “Senior Visiting Research Fellow” of Asia Research Institute (ARI) of National University of Singapore
- 2003 - Founder of the National Taiwan University Center for East Asian Civilization” (foundation of the National Taiwan University Institute for Advanced Studies)
- Panel member of Humanities and Social Sciences of RAE 2014
- Panel member of the RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Joint Research Schemes
- Chair of the 8th New Asia Lectures on Confucianism (新亚儒学讲座) of the CUHK in 2022/23
- National Research Fund of Social Sciences Major Projects (国家社科基金重大项目) - “中国经典诠释学基本文献整理与基本问题研究” (2020)
- GRF - Inspirations and Challenges from Silk and Bamboo-Slip Texts: Philosophical Investigation Based on Interdisciplinary Researches (Phase 2) (2013-2016)
- Reviewing and Revealing Chinese Studies (汉学论衡初集, 2022)
- Zhouyi Q&A (周易答问, 2019)
- Steps to the Learning of Zhouyi (周易阶梯, 2018)
- A Studies on the Eastern Zhejiang Learnings (浙东学术研究, 2017)