人文学院研究人员 -谭咏瑜博士

人文学院研究人员 - 谭咏瑜博士
Language Education
My areas of research interest include heritage language use, classroom interaction, discourse analysis, and multilingualism with using qualitative research methods (including ethnomethodology, and linguistic ethnography). I have published my research in international peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, International Journal of Multilingualism, English Today, Global Chinese, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, and Chinese as a Second Language.
I welcome all potential research students with research interests on Chinese language education and sociolinguistics in East and Southeast Asian contexts, particularly Hong Kong and Singapore.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. (2024). Sour soup, Tom Yum, or Dongyin? What does menu tell us about linguistic capital and multilingual development in contemporary Thailand? Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Epub ahead of print.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. & Tsang, Samuel, C. S. (2023). Cantonese culinary lexical interaction between Singapore and Hong Kong English: How can Sinograph shape translingual words with English today? English Today. Epub ahead of print.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. & Kim, Sun-A. (2021). Strategies used in learning Chinese vocabulary by adolescent Mandarin-Korean bilinguals in Korea. International Journal of Multilingualism. Epub ahead of print.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. & Tsang, Samuel, C. S. (2023). Towards a reconceptualisation of the Cantonese lexicon in contemporary Hong Kong: Classificatory possibilities and their implications for the local Chinese-as-an-Additional-Language curriculum. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 26 (4), 428-456.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. (2021). 「粤语语法学习概览」的建构:广东话第二语言语法学甚么?何时教? [Development of the Cantonese Grammar Profile: Reconsidering pedagogical sequence of grammar items in Cantonese as a second language]. Chinese as a Second Language, 56 (3), 209-228.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. (2021). 「粤语语法学习概览」嘅建构:广东话第二语言语法学乜嘢?几时教? [Development of the Cantonese Grammar Profile: Reconsidering pedagogical sequence of grammar items in Cantonese as a second language]. Chinese as a Second Language, 56 (3).
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. (2021). 「是」字句和「是......的」句的教学语法:以九套国际学校中文教材为例 [What grammar explanations do textbooks offer? On the pedagogical grammar of shi and shi...de in IGCSE Mandarin textbooks for adolescent learners in international schools]. Global Chinese, 7(2), 143-157.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. (2021). 香港粤语利益性接收标记「多谢」的话语功能及其语法浮现 [The emergence of beneficial reception marker: The discourse-pragmatic functions of doze in Hong Kong Cantonese]. 清华学报 [Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies], 51(3), 541-588.
- Tam, Hugo Wing-Yu. (2020). 印尼华裔中学生继承语学习动机及其影响因素 [Motivational Orientations of secondary school students of Mandarin Chinese as a heritage language in Indonesia]. Chinese as a Second Language, 54 (2), 145-182.