人文学院研究人员 - 商海锋博士

人文学院研究人员 - 商海锋博士
- Literature
I am Associate Professor and Associate Head in the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong. I focus on the study of Sinographic texts in East Asia, while my research interest falls within the interdisciplinary intellectual history and cultural flows across literature, arts, and religions. I served as the Principal Investigator for two research projects funded by the Hong Kong Government’s RGC:
- (General Research Fund) A Japanese Zen Poet-monk’s Interpretation and Reimagining of Su Shi - A Study on Banri Shūkyū’s Shōmono-style Commentary Tenka haku [The Brightest of the World]
- (Early Career Scheme) The Study on The Incense Burnt behind Curtains, Japanese Zen Master Banri Shūkyū’s Annotation of the Essential Poems of Huang Tingjian.
《新译圆觉经》台北:三民书局股份有限公司,2021年。(Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: A New Translation, Taipei: San Min Book Co., Ltd., 2021.)
「诸経の睛」—古代东アジアにおける『円覚経』の位置づけ—,『花园大学国际禅学研究所论丛』,2022年。(“The Eye of the Sutras: Reexamining the Status of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment in Ancient East Asia”, Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Mar 2022.)
〈北宋本洪刍《香后谱》辨正辑佚〉,《故宫学术季刊》,2019年。(“On Hong Chu’s Updated Version of the Encyclopedia of Incense: Correcting Texts and Finding Lost Contents”, The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly, Sep 2019.)
〈「香、禅、诗」的初会:从北宋黄庭坚到室町时代「山谷抄」〉,《汉学研究》,2018年。(“The Initial Integration between Incense, Zen and Poetry from Huang Tingjian in the Northern Song Dynasty to Sankokusyo in the Muromachi Period”, Chinese Studies, Dec 2018.)