人文学院研究人员 - 邹文律博士

人文学院研究人员 - 邹文律博士
- Literature
My academic focus lies in Hong Kong and contemporary Chinese literature, with a particular interest in the themes of urban narratives, animal literature, and science fiction. Utilizing diverse literary theories to interpret these works allows us to profoundly understand their connection with the world and the societal contemplations of the authors. Should you have a research project aligning with these interests, I welcome you to reach out for a collaborative discussion.
〈从「它们」到「我们」——当代香港作家小说的动物书写〉(From THEY to WE: The Animal Writing by Contemporary Hong Kong Writers). 《人文中国学报》Sino-Humanitas 37(2023): 335-371. (THCI Tier 1 core journals)
〈情感何所依——李维怡、可洛、张婉雯小说中的市区重建〉 (Where Feelings Lie: The Urban Renewal and the Placelessness in Novels by Lee Wai-yi, Ho Lok and Cheung Yuen-man). 《中国现代文学》Modern Chinese Literature 40(2021):131-150. (THCI Tier 2 core journals)
〈高楼与商场——可洛、陈志华,韩丽珠的超密度城市空间书写〉(Skyscrapers and Shopping Malls: Hyper Density City Writing by Ho Lok, Hon Lai-chu, Chan Chi-wa). 《人文中国学报》Sino-Humanitas 32(2021): 161-186. (THCI Tier 1 core journals)