人文学院研究人员 - 陈曙光博士

人文学院研究人员 - 陈曙光博士
- Language Education
- Linguistics
I specialize in classical Chinese texts and the intellectual history of ancient China, especially Confucianism and Confucius Studies. My main research focuses on the speech of Confucius (the master said 子曰) and the dialogical records between Confucius and the ancients in the excavated Chu bamboo slips, analyzing the Formation of Confucius' Quotations in the Pre-Qin Period.
I am also interested in Chinese language teaching and assessment, including research on pedagogy, textbooks, and AI.
- Chan, C.K., Lam S.M. (2024). The Challenges of Covid-19 for Higher Education and the Implication to the Post-epidemic Era --- Perspectives from China and Hong Kong, Jürgen Rudolph, Joseph Crawford, Sam Choon Yin, and Shannon Tan(ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Crisis Leadership in Higher Education, Springer Nature.
- 陈曙光、何志恒、施仲谋编:《文言经典与文化教学实践新探》,香港:中华书局,2023年。
- 何志恒、陈曙光、施仲谋编:《中国语文教学策略与实践新探》,香港:三联书店,2023年。
- 陈曙光:〈从教学目标到评估:「IBDP语言A:语言与文学」新旧课程比较〉,载于梁源、王婵娟、施仲谋编:《国际文凭课程(IB)中文教学研究新探》,香港:三联书店,2023年,页48-60。
- 陈曙光:〈 IBDP语言A:文学指南(2019年版)对香港中学文凭试文学课程的启示〉,《国际中文教育学报》,第12期,2022年,页127-150。
- 陈曙光:〈「香港小学学习字词表」所收字形研究---兼论香港写字教学之困境〉,《国文学报》,第70期,2021年,页269-300。