人文学院研究人员 - 区仲桃博士

人文学院研究人员 - 区仲桃博士
- 文学及文化学系副系主任 / 助理教授
- 中国文学文化研究中心副总监
- Literature
My research interests lie in comparative Chinese modernisms and research topics that derive from it. My study has focused on the reception of modernisms in various geographical settings in Greater China, namely, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, and Macao, over the past decade. Three GRF projects related to comparative Chinese modernisms, have been funded by the UGC (Hong Kong) and one Academic Research Grant funded from Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government since 2014.
I have produced numerous research outputs on this area in monographs, edited volumes, peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and is affiliated with the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL), and the Modernist Studies Association (MSA). Students are welcome to contact me to discuss the research areas they are interested in.
- 〈澳门现代主义诗中的「诗史」传统〉[“The Shishi Tradition of Macanese Modernist Poetry”] 《中国现代文学》,41. 台湾(Taiwan): June 2022. 67-91.
- 〈香港抒情传统论述的形态:以〈客途秋恨〉在《胭脂扣》及〈永盛街兴衰史〉的转化为例〉 [“Essential Aspects of Hong Kong Lyrical Discourse: A Study of the Transformation of ‘Sorrow on an Autumn Trip’ into Rouge and ‘The Rise and Fall of Wing Shing Street’” ] 《清华中文学报》 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Literature, 26. 台湾 (Taiwan):December 2021. 259-301.
- “Out of the Ashes: On Hong Kong Literature Studies 2010-2020”. Archiv Orientální 89, no. 2 (2021): 429–442. DOI: 10.47979/aror.j.89.2.429-442.
- 《东西之间:梁秉钧的中间诗学论》[The Inbetweenness of East and West Matters: A Study of Leung Ping-kwan's Poetics],香港(Hong Kong):中华书局,2020。
- The Hong Kong Modernism of Leung Ping-kwan. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020.
- “Reading Colonial Dis-ease/Disease in Hong Kong Modernist Fiction”. New Directions in Literature and Medicine Studies. Edited by Stephanie M. Hilger. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 (267-280).
- 〈也斯旅游文学中的多元角度〉 [“Multiple perspectives on Yasi's travel writing”]. 《中外文学》 Chung Wai Literary Quarterly, 46 (1), 45-75. Taipei: 2017.
- 〈诗经练习: 试论梁秉钧对香港现代主义诗歌抒情性的继承〉 [“Shijing Lianxi: A Study of Leung Ping-kwan’s Reception of Lyricism in Hong Kong Modernist Poetry”]. 《淡江中文学报》, 32, 313-330. Taipei: 2015.
- The Aesthetics of Taiwanese Modernist Poetry since 1950s. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2008.
Guo Bojia. “Mu Xin and the May Fourth New Literature”, degree conferred 2018/19