英语研究及数码传讯荣誉文学士课程旨在透过丰富多元的数码化课程,培育具备数据科学知识的英语研究学生。课程提供跨学科的科目,为学生在英语研究、语言学、数码科技等范畴上建立扎实的基础,并为他们提供数码工具在语言应用中的实际操作经验。学生将兼具建立语言教学的数码内容、出版数码媒体、支援和批判数码传讯方案的优势。英语研究和数码传讯的结合,将赋予学生在数码化年代推动教育、传媒、出版界革新的能力。 |
研习范畴(一年级入学学生) 合共121学分 | 研习范畴(高年级入学学生) 合共60学分 | ||
主修# | 54学分 | 主修## | 30学分 |
毕业专题研究 | 6学分 | 毕业专题研究 | 6学分 |
选修 | 30学分 | 选修 | 18学分 |
通识教育 | 22学分 | 通识教育 | 6学分 |
语文增润课程 | 9学分 | ||
#学生必须在跨学院核心科目和主修学科LIN3044中进行大湾区考察。 ##学生必须在主修学科LIN3044中进行大湾区考察。 |
![]() 实习
学生须在第三学年的暑期(高年级入学) /第三学年的暑期或四年级第一学期(一年级入学)参加必修的实习(3学分)。实习旨在让学生于实际生活环境整合和应用学习所得的知识,从而迎接现实工作环境的挑战,并思考未来就业方向的机会。 |
![]() 就业前景
我们的毕业生将能够运用跨学科的知识及数码和跨文化的意识,为数码教学的未来发展作出贡献。同时,他们亦能胜任国际科技公司、或以科技主导创新、并需要员工拥有良好的英语沟通能力、以及优秀的数码适应能力和英文水平的企业的工作。 |
Taster Class Videos !
Yes, BA(ESDC) offer both Year 1 Entry and Senior Year Entry.
BA(ESDC) provides the same education qualification as other four-year full-time BA programmes.
IELTS or PSC test results are not compulsory for programme application, but you are welcome to provide relevant qualifications for reference.
An interview may be required. The format (online or face-to-face) is subject to change depending on the pandemic situation. It normally consists of self-introduction and group discussion. Direct offers may be given to applicants with outstanding academic performances.
The BA(ESDC) programme aims to cultivate a new generation of English studies students with strong digital literacy skills through a digitally enriched curriculum. The programme provides a wide range of courses to build a solid foundation in English language, linguistics and digital literacy, consolidated by hands-on experience in using digital tools for language applications. Students will be empowered to develop digital contents for the learning and teaching of languages, to publish in digital media and to support and critically evaluate digital communication solutions. A combination of humanities and digital communication technology will allow students to further contribute to the transformation of education, media, and publishing in the digital age.
Yes, the internship is a compulsory element in the programme curriculum. Students will be able to choose whether their internship takes place in Hong Kong or in the Greater Bay Area. The internship company will be arranged and assigned by the Programme. If students have any connection with a targeted company, they are welcome to refer the information to the Programme Team for consideration.
Applicants without any formal training on computing are welcome to join the programme. The IT-related courses are designed at an elementary level so as to build a solid foundation in students’ digital literacy. Students will be given hands-on practice in using digital tools for language applications inside and outside classrooms.
No. There is no specific admission requirement on applicant’s IT competency.
Yes, non-Cantonese-speaking students are welcome to apply to our programme. The following proficiency test result can also be used to fulfill the Chinese Language Requirement of the programme:
Proficiency Tests | Minimum Requirements |
GCE System | Grade E or above in GCE AS-level or A-level Chinese; or Grade C / Grade 4 or above in GCSE / IGCSE / GCE O-level Chinese |
IB | Grade 4 in Chinese Language subject |
Others | Other Chinese language qualifications deemed acceptable by the University |
注:2025/26学年为「2025/26 - 2027/28三年期」的首个学年,2025 - 28 学年开办的教资会资助课程及学额尚待政府批核。
- 课堂将会安排于大埔校园及将军澳教学中心/北角教学中心/白石角运动中心 / 九龙塘卫星教学中心进行。实际的上课地点由大学决定。
- 我们已尽力确保本网站所提供之资讯的准确性。由于课程资讯可能因情况之转变而时有变动,大学保留在其认为合适及在不事先通知的情况下修改本网站中任何资讯的权利。若因使用、误用或依据本网站提供的资讯而导致的任何损失或损害,大学概不负上法律责任。
- 大学保留一切修订课程开办及其任何有关事项的权利,如有需要,可随时酌情调整课程(包括但不限于课程内容和授课方式等)。在不限制大学修订课程和开办课程的广泛酌情权的前提下,考虑到教学人员编制、报读人数、实际具体安排、课程内容变动以及其他情况的转变等因素,大学可能需要更改课程。已缴学费将不予退还。
- 获取录入读本课程的学生必须前往大湾区及/或内地其他城巿考察。课程亦可能要求学生参加非本地学习体验,以完成课程。虽然有关考察团将获大学资助,学生仍须承担及缴付考察团的部份预算费用(“学生缴费部份”)。然而,任何个人娱乐、膳食开支、旅游证件及个人保险之费用将不获资助,并须由学生自费支付。受各种因素影响,如考察团成本上调、考察行程所需时间、旅程开销、货币汇率等,大学尚未能确定并提供下学年入学学生的考察团团费预算费用及学生缴费部份费用详情。