- 2019年10月31日
- 刊物
- 人文学院

How Native Chinese Listeners and Second-Language Chinese Learners Process Tones in Word Recognition: An Eye-tracking Study
- 2019年10月22日
- 研究及知识转移
- 语言学及现代语言系

- 2019年10月19日
- 研究及知识转移
- 文学及文化学系

Exploring Dynamic Korea 2019
- 2019年10月11日
- 研究及知识转移
- 语言学及现代语言系

RPg Student Reception 2019/20
RPg Student Reception was successfully held on 9 October 2019 for all newly admitted research postgraduate (RPg) students in FHM. Senior RPg students and supervisors were also invited. The reception aims to facilitate communication between RPg students from different cohorts and their supervisors.
- 2019年10月09日
- 研究及知识转移
- 人文学院