FHM researchers pursued research excellence in RAE 2020
- 2021年07月21日
- 研究及知识转移
- 人文学院
Faculty of Humanities has made significant achievements and progress in the recently released Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 of the University Grants Committee (UGC).
The RAE 2020 is a criterion-referenced assessment evaluating the research outputs, impact and environment of the universities under 41 Units of Assessment (UoAs) based on different academic disciplines. They are assessed against five quality levels, from “world-leading” (4*), “internationally excellent” (3*), “international standing” (2*), “limited standing” (1*), to unclassified. A total of 4,223 academic staff made 16,293 submissions, including 15,757 research outputs from Oct 2013 to Sep 2019, 345 impact case studies, and 191 environment submissions.
The Unit of Assessment (UoA) 30 – Chinese language & literature of the Education has achieved great success in the RAE, with 100% of the research environment being rated as “internationally excellent” and 87% of the research outputs being ranked as “international standing” or above. In specific, 7% and 39% of the research outputs have been awarded “world leading” (4*) and “internationally excellent” (3*) respectively. The progress of the research performance is well demonstrated through the double increase in the percentage of research outputs ranked as “world leading” and “internationally excellent”, compared with the previous round of RAE which was conducted six years ago.

UoA 33 – Linguistics & language studies has made remarkable achievements in the RAE, too. 8% and 32% of colleagues’ research outputs were rated “world leading” (4*) and “internationally excellent” (3*) respectively. Compared to the RAE results in 2014, there was 14% improvement on 4* and 3* research output. The impact case, with the theme of “Corpus-based Studies of Cantonese”, was rated 3* (i.e., with considerable impacts in terms of their reach and significance) by the review panel.

Results of the RAE demonstrate the high international standing of the research conducted by UoA 35 - Area studies (e.g. Japanese studies, European studies, etc.), cultural studies and other arts/humanities). 93% of research outputs of UoA 35 being graded as “international standing” (2*) or above.

FHM will continue to promote future developments through pursuing research excellence and creating more synergies among research, teaching and learning, and knowledge transfer activities.
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