Tertiary Putonghua Test (TPT)
2024 – 25 大專普通話測試安排
(For non-Chinese speaking students: English version below)
大專普通話測試將於二零二四年八月十九日至二十三日, 在沈艾達語文研習中心(B3-G-05)舉行。測試成績將作為豁免修讀普通話增潤課程相關科目的依據。 本測試將不設補考及覆核。所有非中文主修的一年級入學生都需要進行本考核,而中文主修的同學將會另有安排。
- 考生須帶備學生證或身份證,按「報到時間」抵達考場報到。
- 該測試費用全免。未出席測試的同學,將不會安排補考。
如有任何查詢,請致電2948-8043或電郵 ckwing@eduhk.hk 與陳先生聯絡。
專上普通話測試 (TPT)*(每位同學測試時間不同,具體時間請等待電郵通知) | |||||
上 午 |
8月19日 |
8月20日 |
8月21日 |
8月22日 |
8月23日 (星期五) |
A5B058 |
A4B097 |
A5B079 |
A4B075 |
A5B057 BEd (S) -ICT |
A5B079 |
A5B082 |
A5B061 BEd (ECE) 10:00-11:00 |
A4B086 |
A5B059 |
A5B062 |
A5B085 BEd (Science) 11:00-12:00 |
午休 | |||||
下 午 |
A5B058 |
A4B067 |
A5B080 |
A4B095 |
A4B075 BSocSc (PSY) 13:00-14:00 |
A4B092 |
A4B068 |
A5B081 |
A4B096 |
A4B092 BSc(IEM) 14:00-15:00 |
A5B084 |
A5B085 |
A4B093 |
A5B057 |
A4B096 |
A5B083 |
BA(ESDC) 15:30-16:30 |
Dear students,
2024 – 25 Tertiary Putonghua Test (TPT)
Eligible Year 1 non-Chinese major students are required to take the Tertiary Putonghua Test (TPT) before the commencement of Semester 1. This year, TPT will be conducted at the Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (B3-G-05) from 21 to 25 August. Please refer to the Chinese version for the test arrangement. Exemption from Putonghua enhancement courses will be granted to individual students if students have already taken Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC) and attained the required level (2B), and they do not need to attend the TPT. For Year 1 Chinese major students, exam details will be announced to them later.
You should bring along your student ID card or your Hong Kong ID card for verification, and attend the test as per the attached schedule. Please note that no make-up test will be arranged if students cannot attend the test.
For non-Chinese speaking students, you may apply for the exemption from Putonghua and Chinese enhancement courses. Please send an email to cle@eduhk.hk including (1) your name, (2) student ID and (3) supporting documents (your secondary transcript, certificates of public examination, etc.) on or before 25 August for further verification and approval. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Should you have any enquiries regarding the above arrangement, please contact Mr. CHAN at 2948-8043 or ckwing@eduhk.hk.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Centre for Language in Education