English Enhancement Programme
Our English enhancement programme aims to equip students with academic literacy and writing skills essential to their study at tertiary level. The courses will lay the foundation for students to learn English independently in subsequent years through their participation in self-access learning activities, blended learning, and optional English courses appropriate to their level and developmental needs.
Students will learn about whole texts (written and spoken) and how they are put together using the correct structure and the appropriate language features so that when students communicate in English, they do so successfully. The whole texts that students will study are used in academic communication in English, and the topics are of real interest to today's students.
Students will also study English using the latest technology, in-class and out-of-class. Through in-class assessed activities, students will be informed of their performance, particularly in their speaking and writing.
Core/Mandatory Courses
ECE English One
In this course, students will learn about the writing of a recount, and about the skills of presentation. The course will build on this foundation by showing students how to use English writing and speaking skills in a meaningful and effective way. It will also allow students to address the needs of their particular language and literacy context in their future work environments. Each session will have specific objectives related to the types of writing and speaking texts studied.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
understand context, purpose and meaning in the use of spoken and written English |
better develop their understanding and use of language through the analysis and production of different types of text |
enhance their reading, listening, speaking and writing and vocabulary skills through a range of topics (see Teaching Schedule) and activities (e.g. pair and group work) in the units of work presented in the course |
have the opportunity to develop and explore independent learning and study skills (e.g. through out of class e-learning activities) |
ECE English Two
This course is a combination of both academic English and areas of language specific to the student's personal or professional needs. This is a general academic preparatory course to help students to learn about academic writing and reading. In addition, it is designed to help students improve their story-telling skills. The course offers speaking practices through the use of group and pair exercises. It will also help students to expand their vocabulary while they develop and practise their story-telling skills.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
understand context, purpose and meaning in the use of spoken and written English |
better develop their understanding and use of language through the analysis and production of academic texts |
enhance their reading, listening, speaking and writing and vocabulary skills through a range of topics (see Teaching Schedule) and activities (e.g. pair and group work) in the units of work presented in the course |
have the opportunity to develop and explore independent learning and study skills (e.g. through out of class e-learning activities) |
English Communication Skills in ECE
This course aims to establish students’ language skills crucial for academic and workplace contexts in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE). This is a general academic and workplace preparatory course which helps students acquire English skills of writing, reading and speaking needed in the ECE workplace.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify the interconnections between audience, context and discourse in academic texts of ECE. |
Apply effective communication skills and a range of language functions in the academic and workplace contexts of ECE. |
Demonstrate the ability to write notices and letters in the ECE workplace. |
Demonstrate the ability to give information in spoken exchanges in the ECE workplace. |
English One
This course introduces the essential Language Learning Strategies (LLS) to improve students’ writing and speaking skills in the academic context and Test-Taking Strategies (TTS) to assist students to prepare for English language tests. Exemplars are used to assist students to increase their understanding of particular skills, content or knowledge in any given situation and articulate established criteria and standards. The course is divided into two major parts: 1. Describing academic data with analysis and evaluation 2. English pronunciation and fluency development. In each unit, a number of LLS and TTS will be introduced to students through discussion of exemplars and extensive practice. To promote self-regulated learning and learning beyond the classroom, e-resources related to English language learning, namely mobile apps, online self-access platforms, will be introduced.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
acquire a set of language learning strategies and test-taking skills to improve their performance in writing and speaking tests. |
build up students’ proficiency in writing and speaking. |
acquire the useful vocabulary and language needed for writing and speaking. |
enhance English pronunciation and fluency. |
develop their autonomy in English language learning and test preparation through utilizing e-learning tools. |
English Two
This course is a continuation of “English One”. In addition to the introduction of the essential Language Learning Strategies (LLS) to further enhance students’ writing and speaking skills in the academic context, it reviews the LLS for the reading and listening tests. Furthermore, related Test-Taking Strategies (TTS) are provided to assist students to prepare for English language tests. Exemplars are used to assist students to increase their understanding of particular skills, content or knowledge in any given situation and articulate established criteria and standards. The course is divided into three units: reading and listening skills, essay writing skills and use of vocabulary and grammar in speaking skills; in each unit, a number of LLS and TTS will be introduced to students through discussion of exemplars and extensive practice. To promote self-regulated learning and learning beyond the classroom, e-resources related to English language learning, namely mobile apps, online self-access platforms, will be introduced.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
acquire a set of language learning strategies and test-taking skills to improve their performance in reading, writing, listening and speaking tests. |
build up students’ proficiency in the four skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. |
acquire the useful vocabulary and language needed for writing and speaking. |
develop their autonomy in English language learning and test preparation through utilizing e-learning tools. |
English for Early Childhood Education
This is a course for students who can speak Cantonese and want to improve their Chinese to a higher level. At the intermediate level, this course aims at offering all-rounded training in Chinese including listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on fluency and accuracy in complex dialogues in academic and workplace settings. It also includes comprehension and production of clear and detailed texts on a wide range of subjects.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify the interconnections between audience, context and discourse in academic texts of ECE |
Apply effective communication skills and a range of language functions in the academic and workplace contexts of ECE |
Demonstrate the ability to express views on topics related to ECE |
Demonstrate the ability to read aloud children’s stories or nursery rhymes to engage students as an ECE teacher |
English for Effective Communication in Academic and Social Contexts
Course Synopsis
This course aims to help students acquire linguistics skills in both academic and social contexts. It is designed to prepare students to write coherent and organized academic texts by developing essential skills in critical thinking, reading and writing. In addition, students will be given chances to explore how language functions in social context and the ways in which linguistic and non-linguistic features affect communication. The course will also enhance students’ speaking skills in the workplace through English.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand the connection between audience, context and discourse in academic and social contexts |
Recognize the linguistics skills required for effective communication in social environment |
Produce an academic writing that is organized and well structured |
Demonstrate the ability to make appropriate correspondence in the workplace |
University English
Course Synopsis
This course aims to help first-year students acquire academic English skills they need to succeed in their discipline studies. Through critical reading of academic texts and contextualized discussion on selected academic topics across disciplines such as Education, Arts, Culture, Social Sciences and Information and Communication Technology, students will learn to better communicate and discuss topics related to their areas of study with academic audiences. This course will be divided into two parts: academic writing skills and oral presentation skills for disciplinary studies and academic purposes. Through the process of producing an academic essay and delivering an academic presentation, students will acquire the skills of expressing and presenting academic ideas in a clear, coherent, and well-structured manner, selecting, evaluating and synthesizing appropriate academic sources, and applying technical conventions in academic writing and speaking.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
identify, evaluate, and synthesize appropriate academic sources in academic writing. |
use a range of organisational and rhetorical skills to build written and spoken academic arguments which draw from appropriate disciplinary literature. |
express a balanced view on issues/topics in academic writing and speaking. |
organise and articulate coherent ideas with appropriate linguistic devices in an academic oral setting. |
University English I
Course Synopsis
This course aims to help first-year students acquire academic English skills they need to succeed in their discipline studies. Through critical reading of academic texts and contextualized discussion on selected academic topics across disciplines such as Education, Arts, Culture, Social Sciences and Information and Communication Technology, students will learn to better communicate and discuss topics related to their areas of study with academic audiences. This course will be divided into two parts: academic writing skills and oral presentation skills for disciplinary studies and academic purposes. Through the process of producing an academic essay and delivering an academic presentation, students will acquire the skills of expressing and presenting academic ideas in a clear, coherent, and well-structured manner, selecting, evaluating and synthesizing appropriate academic sources, and applying technical conventions in academic writing and speaking.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
identify, evaluate, and synthesize appropriate academic sources in academic writing. |
use a range of organisational and rhetorical skills to build written and spoken academic arguments which draw from appropriate disciplinary literature. |
express a balanced view on issues/topics in academic writing and speaking. |
organise and articulate coherent ideas with appropriate linguistic devices in an academic oral setting. |
Skills for English Language Tests
Course Synopsis
This course introduces the essential Language Learning Strategies (LLS) to improve students’ writing and speaking skills in the academic context and Test-Taking Strategies (TTS) to assist students to prepare for English language tests. Exemplars are used to assist students to increase their understanding of particular skills, content or knowledge in any given situation and articulate established criteria and standards. The course is divided into two major parts: 1. Describing academic data with analysis and evaluation 2. English pronunciation and fluency development. In each unit, a number of LLS and TTS will be introduced to students through discussion of exemplars and extensive practice. To promote self-regulated learning and learning beyond the classroom, e-resources related to English language learning, namely mobile apps, online self-access platforms, will be introduced.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
acquire a set of language learning strategies and test-taking skills to improve their performance in writing and speaking tests. |
build up students’ proficiency in writing and speaking. |
acquire the useful vocabulary and language needed for writing and speaking. |
enhance English pronunciation and fluency. |
develop their autonomy in English language learning and test preparation through utilizing e-learning tools. |
Skills for English Language Tests I
Course Synopsis
This course introduces the essential Language Learning Strategies (LLS) to improve students’ writing and speaking skills in the academic context and Test-Taking Strategies (TTS) to assist students to prepare for English language tests. Exemplars are used to assist students to increase their understanding of particular skills, content or knowledge in any given situation and articulate established criteria and standards. The course is divided into two major parts: 1. Describing academic data with analysis and evaluation 2. English pronunciation and fluency development. In each unit, a number of LLS and TTS will be introduced to students through discussion of exemplars and extensive practice. To promote self-regulated learning and learning beyond the classroom, e-resources related to English language learning, namely mobile apps, online self-access platforms, will be introduced.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
acquire a set of language learning strategies and test-taking skills to improve their performance in writing and speaking tests. |
build up students’ proficiency in writing and speaking. |
acquire the useful vocabulary and language needed for writing and speaking. |
enhance English pronunciation and fluency. |
develop their autonomy in English language learning and test preparation through utilizing e-learning tools. |
Bridge English
Combining a metalinguistic awareness-raising approach with a subject-specific approach, this course aims to develop students’ English proficiency and language skills that they need to succeed in higher education. This course is specifically catered for students who have met the academic requirements for their academic programme but may have narrowly missed the English Language requirements. To enhance students’ English proficiency, this course trains students to write, speak and read more effectively by revisiting and consolidating ways of improving pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
demonstrate metalinguistic awareness to reflect on language and use language structures in writing and speaking. |
apply effective speaking skills and a range of language functions in subject-specific contexts. |
demonstrate the ability to write effectively in academic contexts |
act independently to use relevant English language materials and resources for self-directed learning. |
University English II
Course Synopsis
This course aims to help students develop discipline-related academic research report writing skills and group discussion skills. By conducting a small-scale research project, students will learn to identify and refine a research topic related to their disciplinary fields, review literature, collect and analyze quantitative data, and present their findings in formal report writing. Additionally, students will learn language and etiquette of academic group discussions through flipped classroom approach. Engaged in collaborative learning, they will develop communication skills of active listening, ideas sharing, turn-taking, and responding to other’s views on discipline-related topics, and thus increase confidence in participating in small group discussions which are common in university seminars and tutorials.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
design and conduct a small-scale research project on a discipline-related topic. |
demonstrate the ability to analyse, interpret and present the collected research data. |
apply knowledge of academic register and style to write discipline-related research reports. |
demonstrate communicative competence in discussing academic issues and giving spontaneous responses in discipline-related group discussions. |
apply knowledge of language functions and etiquette in discipline-related group discussions. |
Skills for English Language Tests II
Course Synopsis
This course is a continuation of “Skills for English Language Tests I”. In addition to the introduction of the essential Language Learning Strategies (LLS) to further enhance students’ writing and speaking skills in the academic context, it reviews the LLS for the reading and listening tests. Furthermore, related Test-Taking Strategies (TTS) are provided to assist students to prepare for English language tests. Exemplars are used to assist students to increase their understanding of particular skills, content or knowledge in any given situation and articulate established criteria and standards. The course is divided into three units: reading and listening skills, essay writing skills and use of vocabulary and grammar in speaking skills; in each unit, a number of LLS and TTS will be introduced to students through discussion of exemplars and extensive practice. To promote self-regulated learning and learning beyond the classroom, e-resources related to English language learning, namely mobile apps, online self-access platforms, will be introduced.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
acquire a set of language learning strategies and test-taking skills to improve their performance in reading, writing, listening and speaking tests. |
build up students’ proficiency in the four skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. |
acquire the useful vocabulary and language needed for writing and speaking. |
develop their autonomy in English language learning and test preparation through utilizing e-learning tools. |
Workplace English
This course is designed for undergraduate students who have passed their English Language Exit Reuiqrement (LER) to develop effective professional/workplace communication skills in spoken and written English. The course will help students develop comprehensive, job-related communication skills fro, producing a professional-looking job application portfolio, preparing proposals to planning and attending meetings in educational contexts. To achieve these outcomes, students will undertake authentic tasks related to education careers and use language and text structure appropriate to the contexts.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Analyze communicative situations based on audience, context, purpose, and channels in professional/workplace contexts. |
Produce essential professional/workplace written genres. |
Communicate effectively and professionally in workplace situations using spoken English. |
demonstrate critical, reflective capacities in analyzing how language can be used in a variety of workplace scenarios for optimal effect. |
use relevant English language materials and resources for independent learning. |
Supplementary English Enhancement for Postgraduates
Course Synopsis
This course targets the English language skills of students whose English proficiency test results have not attained the standards for admission. To maximize learning outcomes, the course covers a variety of in-class and out-of-class teacher input and student assignments. Upon completion of the course, students will take an examination modelled upon IELTS in terms of format and standard. While the course targets general language skills, there will be more in-class hours and teacher-student consultative hours on productive skills (writing and speaking). Receptive skills such as reading will be strengthened through structured out-of-class or online learning activities.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
produce cohesive writing and spoken utterances with relatively fewer English errors |
use more complex grammatical structures to add language variety |
self-evaluate their spoken utterances in terms of pronunciation and fluency |
read academic English discourses independently by selecting and using good online resources |
improve listening comprehension and listening for details |
Elective courses
Academic English: Writing & Reading
This course helps students improve their written English for tertiary-level academic study purposes through an integrated approach. While writing and reading skills are addressed, writing is the focus of this course. There are reading(s)-into-writing tasks in which reading is used as springboard for writing by providing topical and vocabulary input. Students will take part in integrated activities (e.g. reading, listening, speaking, vocabulary, etc.) before they synthesize information, paraphrase others’ ideas, evaluate arguments, and critique in writing.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to integrate academic sources and express a balanced view on issues/topics in writing. |
Apply English language structures characteristic of the academic genres studied. |
Act independently to evaluate others’ and their own language output as a study skill. |
Make sound ethical judgments related to authorship by observing standards of academic integrity. |
English for Workplace Communication
This course aims to develop students’ essential English skills for effective communication in workplace contexts. Through a task-based approach, students will be exposed to various simulated workplace scenarios and learn to employ appropriate language features and structure to accomplish common tasks for/at work, such as presenting professionally in a job interview, participating/chairing a workplace meeting, writing a workplace report, and taking meeting minutes. They will also be provided opportunities to evaluate and analyse exemplars of various genres and to apply the skills acquired to produce a workplace written text and participate in a workplace spoken exchange in the course assessment.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
present professionally in job interviews. |
contribute effectively to problem-solving in workplace meetings and discussions. |
plan, organise, and produce workplace reports/proposals. |
organise and write effective professional correspondence in a clear, concise style, with the ability to adjust tone according to context. |
use language and text structure appropriate to the context, select information critically, and present and support stance and opinion. |
Additional English Support
Course Synopsis
This course targets the English language skills of those students whose English proficiency test results have not attained the standards as stipulated in the Language Exit Requirement (LER) for English. To maximize learning outcomes, the course covers a variety of in-class and out-of-class teacher input and student assignments. Upon completion of the course, students will be advised to retake the English proficiency test to obtain the required standards. While the course targets general language skills, there will be more in-class hours and teacher-student consultative hours on productive skills (writing and speaking). Receptive skills such as reading and listening will be strengthened through structured out-of-class or online learning activities.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
self-evaluate their writing and speaking skills |
produce cohesive writing and spoken utterances with relatively fewer English errors |
use more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary to add language variety |
read and listen to academic English discourses independently by selecting and using good online resources |
Advanced Academic Preparation
This course helps final-year students improve their written English for the completion of their Honours Project. Students will learn specialized language functions (e.g. comparing, contrasting, defining, describing processes and procedures, discussing results and significance, etc.) in order to write different sections of a research text effectively. In addition, students will analyze academic texts related to their disciplines to learn how professional writers integrate sources to support their claims. Students will also learn to master the tone and register of advanced academic English by not only writing to “argue”, but also writing to “discuss” others’ viewpoints in an objective way. What constitutes plagiarism will be addressed to highlight the importance of academic integrity. The course prepares novice writers to write academic texts that are more complex (in terms of content and language) than regular written assignments at the undergraduate level.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to decode authors’ stances to present a balanced view. |
Apply English language functions characteristic of the academic genres studied after analyzing research texts. |
Act independently to evaluate their own language output after analyzing research texts. |
Make sound ethical judgments related to authorship by observing standards of academic integrity. |
Supplementary English Enhancement
This course targets the English language skills of those students whose English proficiency test results have not attained the standards as stipulated in the Language Exit Requirement (LER) for English. To maximize learning outcomes, the course covers a variety of in-class and out-of-class teacher input and student assignments. Upon completion of the course, students will take an examination modelled upon IELTS in terms of format and standard. While the course targets general language skills, there will be more in-class hours and teacher-student consultative hours on productive skills (writing and speaking). Receptive skills such as reading will be strengthened through structured out-of-class or online learning activities.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
produce cohesive writing and spoken utterances with relatively fewer English errors |
use more complex grammatical structures to add language variety |
self-evaluate their spoken utterances in terms of pronunciation and fluency |
read academic English discourses independently by selecting and using good online resources |
improve listening comprehension and listening for details |
Workplace English: Writing and Speaking
Course Synopsis
Adopting a problem-based learning and genre writing approach, this course aims to develop students’ effective communication skills in spoken and written English in professional/workplace contexts.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
identify the interconnections between audience, context and discourse in professional/workplace contexts. |
apply effective communication skills and a range of language functions in professional/workplace contexts. |
demonstrate the ability to plan and write a range of workplace genres |
demonstrate the ability to understand and give information and instructions in spoken exchanges in the workplace. |
act independently to use relevant English language materials and resources. |
Skills for IELTS
This course introduces the essential Language Learning Strategies (LLS) to improve students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in the academic context and Test-Taking Strategies (TTS) to assist students to prepare for the academic module of International English Language Testing System (IELTS), which has been chosen as the exit language test for university graduates in Hong Kong. Students will be introduced to the test format of IELTS and will develop a better understanding of the IELTS descriptors. Organized in accordance with the test format of IELTS and adopting a problem-based learning design, the course is divided into three units: reading and listening, writing, and speaking; in each unit, a number of LLS and TTS will be introduced to students through problem-solving in groups and discussion of case studies. Additionally, hands-on practices of IELTS question types will be provided. To promote self-regulated learning and learning beyond the classroom, IELTS-related electronic resources, namely mobile apps, online self-access platforms, will be introduced.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
develop a better understanding of the nature and format of IELTS. |
acquire a set of TTS to improve their performance in the four papers of the IELTS academic module. |
enrich their repertoire of LLS which develop students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in the academic context. |
develop their autonomy in English language learning and test preparation through utilizing e-learning tools. |
Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the Course and the manner in which the Course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements and curriculum changes.