English for Global Citizenship: Global Communities

  1. Course Synopsis

This course aims to develop students' knowledge, values, and English language skills to facilitate global engagement. It will introduce four topics related to one of the key learning domains of global citizenship according to the UNESCO’s (2015) global citizenship education framework: how cultural communities and social relationships are shaped by glocal orientations. The topics are World Englishes and accented English, food culture and equity, gender and education, and ethnicity. Using an inquiry-based learning approach to explore the four themes, students will acquire a range of lexical resources, knowledge, and rhetorical skills for persuasion to help them build English competence for self-expression and advocacy, enabling them to engage in dialogues with people from diverse cultural backgrounds with an open-minded attitude, empathy, and respect and develop their learning in the three domains of global citizenship: cognitive, social-emotional, and behavioural.


  1. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:




Acquire a range of lexical resources in relation to the themes and effectively apply them in spoken and written communication


understand the related concepts and importance of global citizenship and its implications for language use and communication


learn and apply rhetorical skills of persuasion and advocacy for global participation and advocacy


develop critical thinking and intercultural awareness of global issues and challenges




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