English for Global Citizenship: Globalisation in the Digital Age

  1. Course Synopsis

This course aims to develop students’ knowledge, values, and English language skills to facilitate global engagement. It will cover four topics to help students understand the impacts of technologies on societal changes and social interactions, one of the key learning domains under the UNESCO (2015) global citizenship education framework. The topics are media and technology, labour and employment, intercultural communication, and fast fashion showcasing globalisation and consumerism. Students will acquire related lexical resources and English skills for narrative construction and data representation as they investigate these topics and conduct project-based learning. By providing students with practices to make connections between concepts, data, phenomena, and personal experiences, this course will empower students to conduct critical inquiries into these important global issues, reflect on their personal experiences and potential consequences of individual actions, and select the most appropriate way to act as an ethical and responsible global citizen.         

  1. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 




Learn and apply a range of lexical resources in related areas for global engagement.


Use a range of written and verbal skills to effect communication through different channels and in different forms in the digital age.


Acquire and apply skills of summary writing, reflective writing, narrative writing and action plan writing.


Identify, interpret and evaluate ideas to engage in meaningful discussions with peers for global participation and advocacy.


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