Business English I

  1. Course Synopsis

This course aims to help students develop written and oral business English communication skills in preparation for their entry into the workplace in the 21st Century. It adopts a contextualised and task-based approach to instruction, where students will learn to employ appropriate text structure and language features to communicate information and ideas appropriately and professionally as entry-level professionals. They will also practice leveraging digital tools and generative AI technologies to enhance the quality and efficiency of workplace communication. Emphasis is placed on digital literacy, transferrable thinking, and English competence for various communication tasks, including job applications, internal email correspondence, professional business discussion, and business report writing.

  1. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 




deliver clear and persuasive messages in common workplace tasks in English as entry-level professionals


employ business language and communication strategies appropriate to the audience, purpose and the professional context


critically examine business situations and produce professional business correspondences with the assistance of digital technologies


organise and articulate coherent ideas with appropriate linguistic devices in a professional setting

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