Fostering intercultural learning and growing: From theory to practice

  1. Course Synopsis

    With the globalization and internationalization of higher education, there is a growing number of opportunities for students to cross borders, countries and culture to start a new language and cultural learning journey in a different educational context. It is crucial to prepare our students with relevant theory and research together with some practical examples, facilitate their understanding of their intercultural education and help them achieve positive learning outcomes by relating their international/intercultural learning experiences to the topics in this course. This course is designed for students in the university with recent or current international experience (study abroad, exchange program, immersion program, internships or educational visit). It will guide students with understanding theories and topics such as language/cultural shock, acculturation challenges and strategies, intercultural adjustment, intercultural relations, identity expansion, global citizenship and intercultural competence in a second language from perspectives of international education (intercultural contact and diversity) and cross-cultural psychology (the stress and coping theory, cultural learning theory and the social identification theory). Through deep and critical self-reflection, blog sharing, group discussion, and interview, this course will enhance student awareness of linguistic and cultural differences, develop effective communication skills and strategies, strengthen intercultural communication competence, and shape their values, beliefs and identity as a global citizen.
  2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 


    Demonstrate a sound and critical understanding of the concepts and theories involved in intercultural education and learning;


    Demonstrate a sound and critical understanding of different intercultural attitudes, communication and adaptation;


    Develop an awareness of cultural diversity and how it influences their life in terms of intercultural learning; and


    Critically reflect on their own and others’ cultural experiences in references to the concepts and theories of intercultural education and adaptation.


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