Page 18 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 18


               Capabilities require leaders to integrate practices based on their skills, knowledge
               and attitudes in new and unfamiliar circumstances.  in other words, it is actually
               doing something, taking action, (observable behaviour) that makes a leader, not
               just claiming to be able to do something.  it’s what you do, not what you say.
               simply stating that a person has a skill is different from demonstrating it through

               Go  back  to  the  example  of  the  interview  for  a  vice-principalship  mentioned
               above.  in making his or her case the applicant states: “i notice from your position
               description that you are looking for someone who is skilled in evidence based
               leadership. Well, that is one of my strong suits; i am good at it.”

               Great statement, but can it be backed up?  if not, it becomes meaningless!

               in this case, the applicant should be able to provide the selection Panel with
               evidence that they have been involved in such practices such as:

                 >      Ensuring ongoing conversations of student data

                 >    Creating opportunities for moderation of student work

                 >    Using multiple forms of data and evidence to inform practices
                 >    Focussing the school community collectively to improve learning and
                      achievement for all

               Practice simply means ‘what this looks like as it is happening’.  For example, for
               evidence based decision making look at the EsF Leadership Capability Framework
               (2012), Part 2, Leading Others.


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