Page 19 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 19

Attitudes  The leader   demonstrates:  Life-long learning  High expectations  An honest   approach to data   and evidence  Receptiveness   and   responsiveness

                        Knowledge  The leader has the   knowledge and   understanding of:  School, students, community   needs in relation to the   school context  Best practices in relation to  evidence based decision-  making

                        Related Skills  The leader is   able to:  Self-evaluate   effectively  Analyse &   interpret data  Engage in  improvement   planning  Environmentally   scan the horizon

                                 What this looks like as it   is happening:  Ensuring ongoing    conversations of   student data  Creating opportunities   for moderation of   student work  Using multiple forms of   data and evidence to   inform practices  Focuses the school   community collectively   to improve learning and   achievement for all


                        Definition  Leaders use    evidence-   informed    approaches    to drive   improvements   in teaching   practice   and student   learning

                        Capability  Evidence   informed   decision   making

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