Page 14 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 14


               Values  underpin  a  leader’s  platform  and  therefore  their  Personal  Leadership

               While everyone has personal life values what we’re talking about here are beliefs
               about education and leadership.  see the following examples.

               A Sample of a Personal Statement of Values of a Lead Teacher in an IBO school

                  “i am foremost an educator and my purpose is to contribute to the learning
                  of others and in the process to grow myself.  i conduct my working life
                  from the following fundamental values that are at the heart of who i am.”:

                  Authenticity:  Regardless of what i am required to teach or the context
                  in which i am leading others, i will be true to myself.  i will only deliver
                  learning, or lead, in ways that are congruent with my beliefs about what is
                  right and that are within my capabilities.

                  Responsibility:  i am responsible for what i say, for listening, for the
                  actions i take and the realities created for others in my school.

                  Relevance:  i need to stay relevant.  This means accessing and discerning
                  real life connections between intellectual experience and the changing
                  world, and continuing my own educational journey.

                  Creativity:  i will respond creatively to situations and with a willingness
                  to generate possibilities free from the constraints of past practices and
               Leaders Platform

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