Page 13 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 13

some examples...

               Andrew’s Vision (Principal of an American urban school in a disadvantaged district)

                  A  “90-90-90” - 90%  students of colour,  90%  children living  below  the
                  poverty line, hitting 90% proficiency.  Proficiency means that we want our
                  kids to have choices. We want our kids to graduate and be able to choose
                  where they go next. So the guiding principle is, “How do we give our kids
                  and our families choices?”

               What Andrew says about vision:  “A well-planned vision for the school is the basis
               for a survival strategy. Having the foresight to ward off potential storms is reliant
               as much, if not more so, on the process as it is on the final product. The idea of
               collaboration and ownership in developing a school vision is the foundation for
               establishing a broad-base of support and defending the school from attack. This
               process allows for the development of a culture, one that establishes agreed-
               upon values and justifies its existence in the face of controversy.”

               Julianne’s Vision (Principal of an International College in Asia)

                  Our vision is to bring forth highly effective leaders, who both honour their
                  cultural  identity  and  are  understanding  of  other  cultures.  They  pursue
                  intellectual, physical and spiritual excellence, through lifelong learning, in
                  order to lead purposeful lives and to make valuable contributions to their
                  community and to the well being of humanity.

               What Julianne says about vision:  “The Vision that a school adopts is essential in
               building a coherent framework for the school that is understandable to parents
               and students. These statements drive the school in a clear, considered direction
               that precludes being side-tracked by peripheral issues or by particular interest
               groups. They are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure continued alignment.”

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