Page 20 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 20

Can any leader achieve high standards in all Capabilities and


               Can any leader expect to be good at all the Capabilities and Practices defined in
               the EsF Leadership Capability Framework?

               mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe there are some who are, but in general
               we would think not.  This is why school leadership is a collective and collaborative
               activity.  Leadership in successful schools is built around a collection of ‘linked’
               teams.  Team work, where leaders share their capabilities to ensure the best
               outcomes for their school, is the idea.  This is another reason why defining your
               Personal Leadership Charter is so important – it is about being able to inform the
               development of effective teams.

               Consider the full list of capabilities in Part 2 of the framework - Leading Others.


                         >   Cultivates collaborative working environments
                         >   Nurtures leadership capability in others
                         >   Makes evidence informed decisions
                         >   Understands people
                         >   Celebrates diversity of learners, cultures &
                         >   Recognising values, culture
                         >   Makes learning the core focus / Creates a learning

                         >   Communicates with influence
                         >   Fosters shared beliefs and a sense of community
                         >   Leads positive change
                         >   Builds vision and sets directions
                         >    Acts strategically
                         >   Inspires and motivates others to high performance

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