Page 10 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 10

Leadership Platform

               A Leadership Platform is a statement of your leadership vision, values and beliefs.
               it is the foundation of the development of your Personal Leadership Charter.  in
               fact, it is the foundation of your leadership.

               Think of it in terms of a politician running for election. A politician’s platform is
               what they announce publicly (and, hopefully believe) as their stand on different
               issues (e.g. what their position is on nuclear energy, minimum wage, or education

               in ideal terms it is what they are willing to openly ‘sign-up-to.’  As such they can
               expect to be judged (based on evidence) on whether their actions are congruent
               with this.  Evidence comes in the form of what they do, or don’t do.  For example,
               a politician who states in his/her platform that they believe in the importance of
               the environment and works actively for Green Peace is probably someone that
               can be trusted on this issue.

               in short, a platform is a statement, and no more than that, if it is not lived in
               practice.  so, even though a platform is vital for leaders, on its own, it can wear
               very thin if not enacted.

               A person’s Leadership Platform is a personal statement of their values, beliefs
               and aspirations (please see the Platform booklet for more detail).  in simple
               terms it is what they believe is important - why they’re there and what guides
               them as a leader.

               The Leadership Charter starts with this platform and then builds on it, and even
               tests it, against a set of capabilities and a commitment to specific practices.  A
               Charter concludes with what others can expect from their leader.

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