Page 8 - Personal Leadership Charter
P. 8

What is a Personal

                Leadership Charter?

                You can’t be a successful leader if you don’t know what you’re about, what you
                want and what’s expected of you.  Leaders are expected to clarify things for
                others - including purpose, vision, values, strategy, and to some extent, goals.
                it’s not possible to do this unless they have a good understanding of themselves
                and what needs to be achieved.

                Once  leaders  clarify  and  articulate  their  vision,  values  and  capabilities  they
                are positioned to make better professional, personal, career and even lifestyle
                decisions.  This translates into being better able to lead others.

                        A Personal Leadership Charter  is both a
                        statement  and a process which  aims to

                        help  leaders determine what  they expect
                        from themselves and  what  others can
                        expect from them in terms of their vision,
                             values, capabilities and practices.

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