Page 25 - Overview
P. 25

‘Structured’ Outcomes

               Key learning outcomes:
               Charter (Platform), Postcard and Project

               You’ll be asked to produce three formal outcomes during the programme.  The
               process of learning involved in producing these outcomes is as important as the
               outcomes themselves – we see them as intractably linked.  The three outcomes

                 >    A Personal Leadership Charter
                             (A Leadership Platform and a Charter statement)

                 >    One Learning Postcard

                 >    An Agency Project

               We have designed these activities to benefit each individual leader, the cohort
               and,  most  importantly,  the  schools  involved.    All  will  be  completed  with
               the support and input of colleagues on the course and in the school.  A brief
               introduction to each key outcome is included in this booklet.  more detail will be
               provided as we move into the programme.

               We  have  taken  into  account  as  much  as  possible  how  busy  you  are  when
               designing  outcome  requirements  and  expectations.    For  example  both  the
               Leadership Platform and the Leadership Charter should be no more than the
               equivalent of a page.

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