Page 18 - Overview
P. 18

Learning Configurations

              Learning is an option, improvement is not.

              This may seem a strange thing to say in a programme for school leaders.  it means
              that we recognise the expertise of the leaders who come into the programme
              and that in some cases we can’t teach you anything new (even though we are
              going to try).  What Links is about is linking what leaders already know with other
              ways to improve their leadership in their school and then to link with leaders in
              other schools to do the same.

              We don’t know you when you come into the programme.  To begin with we
              have no idea of your knowledge base, disposition or capability.  We do, however,
              recognise  the  expertise,  prior  knowledge  and  skills  you  inevitably  bring  with
              you.  in many areas you’ll know far more than us or any of the presenters – we
              know this.  some of you will have deep knowledge in areas where others know

              Recognising  this  reality  we  have  attempted  to  design  learning  configurations
              which not only link individuals and groups at different levels but also ‘open the
              arteries’ and therefore encourage you to spread, share and scale up.

              Links is structured around:

                 1.   individual Leaders
                 2.   Learning Alliances (with directors)
                 3.   Learning Precincts (with Connectors)
                 4.   A Learning Cohort

              individual leaders will be organized into a Learning Alliance (normally with two
              other  participants  from  the  same  school  and  one  experienced  leader  from
              another school).  Learning Alliances will be grouped into larger structures called
              Learning Precincts.  All Precincts taken together form the overall Learning Cohort.

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