Page 13 - Leadership Basics 10
P. 13

Figure One :  Advance Notice

                      Policy Committee Meeting on 31 March 09.00 ‐ 10.00
                      The purpose of this meeting is to reach a decision on whether to introduce a flexitime
                      scheme for secretarial staff.

                      Recruitment  difficulties have led the school to look into the possibility of attracting
                      qualified staff who have family commitments. A major stumbling block is our office
                      hours. There appear to be three options:
                       Tolerate the present difficulties.

                       Introduce a flexible scheme for those with family commitments.

                       Introduce flexitime working for all.

                      Enclosed is a two‐page discussion document which examines the relative advantages
                      and disadvantages.
                      You are asked to:

                       Read the document and be prepared to offer opinions.

                       Seek the general views of secretarial staff in your department.
                       Be prepared to reach a decision by the end of the meeting.

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