Page 18 - Leadership Basics 10
P. 18

7.  Keep to Time
                 Stick very closely to the time you have allotted to each item. If you run over time, other items may
                 have to be neglected. There are occasions however when you have to be flexible because of the
                 nature of the discussion, but there is a difference between this and poor time management.

              8.  Reinforce Main Points and Decisions
                 At appropriate points, in addition to your regular clarifications and summaries, reiterate the main
                 points and state the decisions which have been taken and the conclusions which have been reached.
                 If it has been agreed that someone is to take action on something, then repeat what the action is,
                 who will do it and the time deadline set.

                 At the end of the meeting, go over the main points yet again. This is an opportunity to summarise
                 your summaries! After this there should be no misunderstanding. State the main points, including
                 all conclusions and decisions, and specify the actions to be taken along with the names and time
                 scales. If there is no secretary present, you can even use this as the writing of your minutes, which
                 will save you a job later on.

              9.  Write It Down
                 Having repeated, summarised and reinforced, you need to ensure that everything is recorded in
                 writing. An example of what a simple record of the actions to be taken might look like is shown in
                 Figure Four.

                       Figure Four :  Records of Actions

                        Bob to contact KGV and find out where they had their booklets printed. He has
                        authority to obtain quotation from another printer if necessary. To be done within
                        three days and report back to the next department meeting.

                        Veronica to discuss with other teachers about hardware needs to support the new
                        MYP curriculum.

                        Ways to undermine Links participants and their flighty views on schooling. This to
                        be done in time for the next meeting.

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