Page 9 - Leadership Basics 10
P. 9

Activity One ‐ Thinking About Meetings

              Think about two meetings in which you have recently been involved at work. You may have been in
              charge or you may have been a participant. One of the meetings should have been, in your opinion, a
              successful one, and the other a poor one. Answer the questions below.

                        THE SUCCESSFUL MEETING                           THE POOR MEETING

               What was the meeting’s purpose?                What was the meeting’s purpose?

               What made it a good meeting?                   What made it a poor meeting?

               What did you and others do to help?            What did you and others do to hinder?

               Did you contribute and, if so, how?            Did you contribute and, if so, how?
               (Asked, volunteered, etc.)                     (Asked, volunteered, etc.)

               What were the outcomes?                        What were the outcomes?

               (Stott, K. and Walker, A., Marketing Management Work. © 1992 Simon & Schuster (Asia) Pte Ltd.)

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