Page 34 - Agency Project
P. 34


               For those of you who are followers of forensic TV shows such as CSI and Bones,
               you will know that carrying out a line of inquiry involves lab work, talking to
               people,  Internet  research,  but  that, for  the  most  part, the  mystery is  solved
               when there is a moment of creative thinking and a general drawing-upon of
               shared experience [there is also a lot of posturing: a car chase, a love interest,
               yelling at people, but we can ignore that].  In schools, following a line of inquiry
               is not nearly as interesting.  A brief summary for schools would be:

                  1.  There  is  a  problem  identified  by  someone  (perhaps  a  complaint
                      by parents, a set of poor test results, upset teachers, a memo from
                      the central office, or so forth).

                  2.  School leaders get together and talk about it; their sense of urgency
                      depends on the situation.

                  3.  They then talk with others, check facts, go on the Internet, and make
                      some phone calls.

                  4.  After that they meet again and brainstorm a solution to the problem.
                      They base their discussion on experience and insight and on what
                      information and evidence they have obtained, as well as on some
                      wonderful moments of high-end creativity.

                  5.  Finally the school leaders take the idea (the solution) and run it past
                      other teachers (often they take it to a staff meeting) to refine it and
                      to get commitments to a plan of action.  Then they make it happen
                      (set a policy, change a procedure, or so forth).

                  6.  Making  it  happen  usually  means  someone  has  to  do  something
                      differently; some change is adopted and put into practice.

                  7.  After some time, they revisit the change and see what impact it has
                      had and collect evidence of what has transpired.

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