Page 36 - Agency Project
P. 36

Case Study of an

               Agency Project*

               Cutting Through The Tape!


               Our idea behind this project is to amend the Staff Handbook so that it would
               be useful for anyone as a reference point and an aid to a smooth running of
               systems, policies and practices.

               Starting Point

                  >   Discussion with the team about ideas for project
                  >   Talk to staff to find out ideas from them about what aspect of Kennedy
                      School they would like changed or improved
                  >   Staff recorded ideas

               Base 2

                  >   Links crew collated and analysed staff ideas

                  >   We  eliminated  those  that  were  part  of  individual  staff  roles  /

                  >   We eliminated those we knew would NOT make a difference with or that
                      were really an SLT responsibility

                  >   We came up with three potential Inquiry Projects…

               Decision Making

                  >   We  met  with  our  Principal  to  discuss  the  possible  Inquiry  Projects
                      with him

                  >   We came to a final decision about our project / field of inquiry…
                                       Producing an up-to-date
                                  Induction Manual / Staff Handbook

                 * Tim Luck, Pam Riordan, Debbie Sheward & Jean Zhai (Kennedy School)

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