Page 38 - Agency Project
P. 38
Plan on a Page
> Links group to discuss Calendar and plot school events we know currently
exist and put in Terms 1 to 3 on biennial calendars (two calendars covering
two years)
> Plan staff meeting:
1. Ask staff to review proposed calendar and consider the question β
βCan we delete any events, make additions / amendments?β
2. Split into two groups β (SLT to be located in each group)
- Curriculum coordinators / specialists (Pam & Tim)
- All other teaching staff (longer serving and new staff, year
leaders, teaching staff) (Debs & Jean)
3. Ask staff to gather and forward information re: important stuff from
their subject areas and / or anything that would be useful to know for
example new staff or existing staff as reminder of school procedures/
events etc.
> Links group to gather any relevant information linked to EAs, admin staff,
site staff, to include in our new document
> Links group to review current Staff Handbook and make any necessary
> Collate information forwarded by staff and info from new amended Staff
Handbook and then arrange into a sensible order. Ensure links to relevant
sections / policies / documents etc., on for example, the server are
> Draft of new induction manual / Staff Handbook produced
> At the Staff Meeting to share with everyone and gather feedback
> Links group to reflect on feedback and make any amendments