Page 30 - Agency Project
P. 30
Step 6:
Reflect and Report
6.1 What does it mean?
Inquiry based learning is not just about action; it also involves reflection and
review. The creation of new knowledge (the learning) comes from this process
of thinking about and discussing results.
Reflection is a process of shared decision making that occurs when the Agency
Project Team works through all that has happened and all the evidence collected
and comes to conclusions about what they have achieved and what they have
learnt through the project.
Pursuing a line of inquiry is an analytical process that is based on collecting
evidence and analysing it in order to lay the foundation for informed decision
making. It is also about creativity, insight, and sometimes professional intuition.
There is a need to find out information in a systematic way, to collect data and
other evidence, to ask people questions, delve into staff opinion, and read
documents. However, an inquiry is meaningless unless time is given to reflecting
on and drawing conclusions about what has transpired.
The report of your Agency Project is the fun part. It is where you get to show
your fellow Links participants and others your work and achievements.
6.2 Hints
At the end of the inquiry, it is important to reflect with your team about the
outcomes. During the reflection process, it is good to involve the school principal
and other administrators.
> What did you find out from this project?
> What was the impact of the project on the school? Has it been
> What has worked? What has not worked? What would you do