Page 14 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 14

Sponsor as Principal Coach
                                         What is a Coach and why are they important?

                                         BPs are often faced with quite clearly  defined
                                         situations and incidents which are specific to their
                           school context, stage of development and the challenges they
                           currently face.  Many such situations, while new to the BP, have
                           been successfully addressed by their more experienced colleagues.
                           Clearly identified needs often carry the need for specific skills,
                           knowledge or competencies, and  sometimes within quite a tight
                           time frame.  Imparting such skills and/or knowledge requires the
                           Sponsor to provide (or find others to provide) specific instructions
                           rather than philosophical discussion or  psychological support. As
                           such, the Sponsor must sometimes take the role of coach, whose
                           job is to instruct or train the BP in specific skills or competencies.
                           Or, using  a sporting  analogy, one who instructs the BP in the
                           fundamentals of the job required for a specific ‘game’, problem
                           situation or programme.

                           In this programme we see mentoring as distinct (but related to)
                           from coaching.  Coaching is seen as an activity focusing on actually
                           instructing the BP in an identified area of need (often involving a set
                           of skills, competencies or behaviours in a specific situation).  Such
                           assistance can be drawn from the Sponsors’ own network or found
                           on the register of expertise which forms part of the  blue skies
                           support package.   Consider the case of Barry Man-lo on page 16.

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