Page 16 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 16

Sponsor as Principal Coach — Case Study

                                         Barry Man-lo is principal  of an established primary
                                         school. He is in his early 50s and has been at the
                           school for a little under a year. Through the blue skies programme
                           bi-monthly Inspirational Series, he approached his  blue skies
                           Sponsor, Suzanne Yeow for support to work through some issues
                           that he is keen to address (largely identified through an internal
                           appraisal process) which relate to  his lack of solid people skills.
                           Man-lo and Ms. Yeow identified a number of key issues arising from
                           the school’s appraisal where he wanted help.  These were:
                             ●  a growing concern at the emphasis on negatives throughout the
                                school, including insufficient recognition  for achievement and
                                successes and a lack of encouragement for open self-reflection.
                                These  issues  seemed  to  cause  considerable  worry  and
                                resentment  and   were  becoming  unnecessarily  counter-
                             ●  a  number of issues from the  appraisal which  clearly needed
                                addressing   by  Man-lo  personally,  including  his  style   of
                                communication, his level of ‘presence’ and his perceived lack of
                           Suzanne recognized the depth of  Man-lo’s problem and recalled
                           that Mr. Wong, an experienced principal from another school
                           experienced and overcame similar problems when he took over a
                           new school several years ago.  After talking Man-lo through how
                           she would approach the problems from her perspective, Suzanne
                           set up a dinner for Man-lo and herself with Mr. Wong to introduce
                           them and get Mr. Wong’s help in working through the problems.

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